
Broly looked at the lifelike guards that were in contrast to their statue-counterparts a lot smaller. They were around 4-meters-tall and didn't look like they were inanimate figures. In fact, Broly could feel some kind of lifeforce being emitted by them.

He approached them with slow steps. They weren't ordinary and the statues outside couldn't even come close to their power. Although the stone figures had the advantage of size, Broly doubted that they were stronger than these two in front of him in any way.

He even suspected that the two had controlled the statues outside as they leaked the same pressure he previously felt. It wasn't as clear as it would be with sensing a ki signature, but he got more certain the closer he got to those two.

"I assume you won't let me through so easily, right?" Broly asked after he stopped 20 meters away from them. One guard gave the other guard a look before he turned his attention towards Broly once again. If it weren't for the colors of their cape and their feathered helmet, they would be nearly undistinguishable.

One was donned with red the other with blue color. The blue guard took several steps forwards before his body suddenly turned into a blur as he broke out in a sprint. Broly was barely able to react as he sensed the danger of the incoming spear that was aiming to pierce his skull.

By tilting his head slightly, he effectively evaded the strike but after dodging it, a shield bash followed up. Broly immediately crossed his arms and blocked the shield. He slid backwards across the red carpet. The choice of attacks and the way he held his spear, struck out and used his shield as a follow up, Broly was sure that this person had controlled the statue outside.

"I guess that was a no." Broly mumbled as he observed the guard. He saw a rainbow-colored gem embedded in the armor of his chest, similar to the black spot of the statue.

Broly wanted to counterattack but before he could do so, he sensed another threat trying to claim his life. He abruptly leaned backwards until he was parallel to the ground. He saw a spear pass the area where his head had been just a moment ago, but this wasn't all.

Broly pushed himself with one hand from the ground and decisively dodged to the side. A loud bang followed after he dodged. He saw that the spear had stopped just above him and then tried to hammer him into the ground.

Unexpectedly, the other guard with the red cape and feathers had attacked right after the blue guard started his attack. Broly didn't think that he would intervene as he had interpreted the look of the blue guard that he wanted to fight alone. Of course, Broly wouldn't trust on his interpretation of these being in this place, so he always remained vigilant.

The two guards stood side by side as they watched Broly's stance. Broly stood with open arms stretched out to the ground, his left foot was slightly in front of his right.

Although he looked like he was wide open, every expert with a sense of danger would realize the deadly aura Broly was emitting. They would feel that Broly showed no signs of openings and anyone who would try to attack him now would be torn into pieces in an instant.

The guards looked at each other again and then turned to Broly, but instead of attacking him, they balanced their spear on the ground before taking off their helmets.

The blue guard had red hair and eyes that looked like they were burning fiercely with a thirst of action, the red guard had blue hair and eyes which gave off a calming aura.

The red haired one stepped forward and spoke in a heroic voice, "You are a lot stronger than the previous challenger! Let's see if you succeed!". The other only nodded at the comment, but besides that showed no signs of desire to talk as well.

The red haired one gripped his spear and turned his back towards Broly and started to walk to the sun-like portal with his ally walking by his side.

Red noticed something and turned his head to look at Broly. "What are you waiting for?" Broly was of course stunned. He thought he had to fight to the death with them. How come they now want him to follow them?

'Was it a trap? What does he mean with challenger?' His thoughts were running wild as he contemplated about the prospect of getting rid of them immediately. He knew that it would be a hard-fought battle, but he was sure that he could get rid of them. He hesitated first but then started to follow them.

He somehow doubted that he could read their minds. Although they gave him a feeling of living beings, he was still unsure if they were. He was only able to read minds if he suppressed the consciousness of the target and make it unable to retaliate.

He usually did this with soul attacks or by being immensely more powerful than his opponent. He wasn't a lot stronger than they were and he wasn't sure if their conscious was tied to a soul? How would he suppress them then?

If he couldn't read their minds, he and the others would be doomed to wander around with no perspective of getting off this island.

"So, what is the next test?" Broly tried to pry for some information as they walked through the sun portal. He was blinded for a second before the light faded again. His eyesight adjusted to the change of brightness.

He saw a gigantic semicircular table in a huge room. Big seats that numbered 48 were placed around the table. Although every seat was empty, they still gave off a strange sense of liveliness like someone was sitting on it.

At the open end of the table was another slightly elevated seat that resembled a throne. Between the throne and the semicircular table was a white circular pedestal with a giant sheath standing straight. Broly saw that it was vibrating slightly as if it was calling out for something.

Suddenly, he felt the sword on his back getting warmer. It didn't take long until it got scorching hot and threatened to burn his armor.

Broly unwrapped it, but still firmly held it in his hand. The red guard stated speaking after he observed Broly. "Since your strength is satisfactory, you are allowed to try to convert. If you can complete it, you can control the island with the golden triangle you carry with you." As if on cue the triangle flew out of Broly's pocket and stopped right above the palm of the red-haired guard.

Broly's eyes widened. "Control the island?? What do you mean by control?"

The guard watched Broly in silence for a moment before he opened his mouth again.

"Think of the island as a spaceship and you would be the captain." After saying a simple sentence, he fell silent again. It seemed like he wasn't willing to reveal too much, but Broly had already guessed the capabilities of this island.

They were currently in the abyss and the size of this area alone was comparable of that of a planet. It would be scaled to multiple planets if one considered the area around it. The Exousians were here for a few weeks and with their speed they still haven't seen everything of it.

It was not much different to think of it as a personal planet that he could move around as he wished. However, there was more to consider, especially after seeing the numerous mythological creatures and Alduin.

It was practically certain that it had the ability to travel through multiverses. His thoughts were interrupted as the guard spoke again.

"Before you can convert, however, you have to acquire a sword on the island of trials." Broly listened to what he was saying but he was puzzled.

"Do you mean this sword?" The sword in his hand was practically burning. He was pretty sure that this was a sword meant for that sheath, wasn't it?

"This is the possession of the challenger before you named Solutus. Since he had failed to convert because of his lack of knowledge of the absorption techniques, he was sent back to where he came from."