
"What did you say?! That's impossible!" Kale's agitated ki threw away the Saiyan that reported the news to her. Kale wanted to vent her emotions on that pitiful Saiyan but was quickly stopped by Caulifla.

Caulifla grabbed the wrist of Kale and stared into her eyes with a stern look. "Don't. You know that we are at a critical point. We can't afford to lose you now. You know he would want it too." After all the time together, Caulifla was well aware what Kale wanted to do right now.

After hearing that their master had fallen to the legendary assassin, Caulifla was barely able to stay and not search for this assassin. If she felt that way, how would Kale feel about this news? Indeed, she wanted to head out and hunt down this assassin.

After being held back and forced to calm down by Caulifla, she thought about her next moves. Looking back, they had already realized that Broly had yearned for a Saiyan empire.

Although they were young, they weren't stupid. After the months of political schemes, they had realized that Broly was nurturing them for this purpose. Even though they knew this, they didn't mind.

They themselves felt the same way about the current state of their race. They wanted a glorious future, not the status quo.

Their plot for the throne was something their master wanted but also what they wanted. He would be disappointed if they abandoned what they had built for revenge that they couldn't get. Hit wasn't an enemy they could hope to beat, at least for now.

With that in mind they headed out to get more supporters for their cause. They couldn't just kill the majority of Saiyans. That would only delay their rise in the universe. They had to convince them, so they would join their ranks voluntarily.


Broly had heard news about the current situation on Sadala but he already depicted the outcome. He had also guessed that many emperors might try to strike Sadala during the infighting but in Broly's eyes that would be a good thing.

The stronger the common enemies for the Saiyan was, the more they had to rely on the strong individuals in their midst. In Broly's eyes, the outcome was already set.

The only one who might present a problem would be Frost. With his sneaky character it wouldn't be absurd to think that he would approach the two Super Saiyans, only to stab them in the back. He had already warned them about this Frost Demon, what they did with that information would be for them to decide.

He didn't worry too much about that mess as he had his own stuff. He was on the way for the headquarters of the universal Intelligence. Since they were considered to be a neutral force, they never bothered to hide it, but of course they still had several hideouts.

After seeing them try to carry away the Super Dragon Ball, he began to be suspicious. Although they seemed to have come for him, they were only foot soldiers who didn't need to be filled in on the plans of the higher-ups.

Considering that Champa showed a lazy attitude in the series, it could well be that he had ordered this organization to gather the Dragon Balls for him. The only reason for him to personally enter universe 7 in a later date was probably because of the fact that if a mortal had crossed over, he would have been immediately killed by Beerus.

That was Broly's speculation but to confirm that, he still needed to confront this intelligence agency. If he wanted to know if they knew of these wishing orbs or even hold onto more of them, he needed to catch a big shot.

While he was hitchhiking a red meteor towards their headquarters, he was training arduously to achieving the full potential of his Super Saiyan powers. He also did some preparation for his emotional control when he would transform into the golden ape form in the future.

He was transforming into an Oozaru and used his Super Saiyan powers to almost transform into a golden ape before stopping and stabilize being at the verge of transforming.

For that reason, from time to time a giant ape that would glow green could be seen on a meteor. Although it looked exceedingly savage, it was calmly sitting cross-legged without moving a centimeter for several days.

While training in the form of an Oozaru some of his powers had leaked and noticed by some True Emperors. They were astonished that an emperor level being dared to boldly announce his entrance. Of course, they didn't know that Broly's power had been mostly blocked by a magic barrier. For them he was only a weak emperor seeking death.

Without thinking too hard about it, they headed out to teach this emperor a lesson. In this galaxy seven True Emperors resided and ruled over parts of it. The True Emperors became more common, the closer one got to the headquarters of the Universal Intelligence. Powerful being gravitated towards this force.

Because of the high numbers of powerful beings, they weren't able to rule over large territories as they had too much competition. After noticing this weak emperor's intrusion, 3 of the seven wanted to have some fun and directly headed out to end this ignorant fool.

In just a few hours they finally saw the giant ape that was residing on the meteor. Without hesitation they stepped out of their ships and approached the meteor to land. After coming in the periphery of several kilometers, they were assaulted by a violent ki storm. Without being able to withstand the force, they were thrown on the ground.

They were shaken to their core. How did they not sense this previously? This power could crush them in an instant without them being able to resist in the slightest!

They didn't want to stay there anymore and tried to fly away but they were like flies without wings. Their power was just too weak to carry them away from this pressure.

Suddenly they felt the ground vibrating. With every second a booming sound that sounded like giant footsteps came closer. Only one other being was on this meteor, how could they not understand who was heading their way?

They tried to call out for their ships, but no response returned. Two even jumped crazily while waving their arms, but their ships remained unmoving as if they weren't able to see them at all.

Indeed, Broly had noticed them long ago and even as an Oozaru it was child's play to use some illusions to deceive some lowly subordinates of some random emperors.

After a huge shadow was being cast above their head, the pressure, they had felt just a moment ago, disappeared. One of them quickly came out of his shock and tried to jump and fly away.

The moment his feet left the ground a giant palm slapped him into the ground. Like a fly, he was instantly crushed into a bloody mess. The other two were horrified seeing this.

Broly only glanced at them and yawned. With that slap he had quickly read his mind and already understood the situation.

He didn't want to spend too much time with these fools and quickly squashed them beneath his feet. He then shot a ki wave out of his mouth and annihilated the ships that were flying beside his meteor.

Afterwards he went on with his training, but unfortunately for him several more emperors wanted to teach him a lesson. Every single one of them had disappeared afterwards, never to be heard from them ever again.

A mythos started to spread among the emperors of a deadly giant ape on a red meteor that would bring death and destruction. It lured in the experts and killed them one by one. The surface of this meteor was covered with the blood of its victims, hence its red appearance.

No one knew why this beast was going around killing these experts and no one had an interest to investigate it, after all, who would voluntarily go on a suicide mission?

Broly didn't know that he had created a myth of a giant ape that rode a red meteor. A giant ape that would universally be known as the bringer of death in the near future.

A god of death, worshipped and feared by many, was born.