
"Heard any rumors lately?" A guy in a big cloak sat at the counter in the local inn. He asked the barkeeper for any information just out of boredom. The barkeeper thought for a second before responding.

"Here, take a look at this! Some of the True Emperor's men came by and left this bounty letter." The barkeeper fished out a yellowish folded paper with a seal on it before giving it to the cloaked man. Without saying anything further, he continued to wash the cup he was holding for the umpteenth time.

The cloaked man was speechless as he looked at the paper in his hand. 'Why do you still use paper, in which century do you live in??' He thought before shaking his head.

He unfolded the paper and read through it silently.


By order of Ignadul:

To all able-bodied men and women of the Dredo galaxy. A god of death flying past the Styx River on a meteor has been luring and killing True Emperors and their subordinates.

A reward will be offered to anyone who kills this beast."

"A god of death? Impressive title…" The man squinted slightly after looking at the drawn picture. "…Isn't that an Oozaru?" He mumbled to himself.

He stood up and dropped some crystals onto the counter, pocketed the bounty before leaving in a hurry.

The barkeeper followed him with his eyes and caught onto a tail that was barely seeable underneath the long cloak.


Broly was slowly walking with his hands in his pockets into the headquarters of the Universal Intelligence. He passed the security guards and the so-called topnotch spies and information gatherer.

Hidden from the eyes of the general guest, there were several beings who possessed extraordinary strength or surveillance abilities.

The Universal Intelligence was aware that if someone dared to make trouble in here, the guards would only pose as cannon fodder, however, even these hidden experts didn't move out as Broly walked passed the security and took the elevator up to the higher floors.

It was like they were purposely ignoring him, but of course, they just weren't strong enough for Broly to make a move except for using illusions.

After the years of training illusions and other mental attacks or deceiving techniques, coupled with his tremendous supply of magic power and his vision of truth, his illusions became exceedingly strong.

Although his vision of truth didn't directly influence the illusion's power, he still could use it to make it blend in more seamless with reality.

He was confident that he could completely fool anyone that was below his strength or was insensitive to magic.

Anyone above his strength would need tremendous amount of magic power to deceive, which would make the fluctuations more obvious as he wasn't as proficient in handling an amount of power where he had to go to his limits. Of course, that also meant that as Broly grew in power, it would become easier to control it.

The elevator didn't take long to bring Broly to the highest floor. The door opened and he stepped outside. There were several men in suits on the sides of a long floor that looked straight ahead without saying anything. The fluctuations coming from their bodies were obvious.

Broly opened the giant metal door in front of him and was directly greeted by a man sitting on a giant couch while being pleasured by several girls. Stunned by the cliché sight, Broly shook his head in disappointment. It was obvious that this man was just a puppet to attract anyone's attention with ill intent.

He still went ahead and read his mind as he could get the information of when a middleman would appear.

After taking in the memories, his face changed into a disgusted expression. Opposite to his prediction, this man was actually a cofounder of this organization.

His brother was the actual one that led it to the success it now was, while remaining unknown to everyone. Everyone thought that they were communicating with this dipshit but this one was only interested in fooling around.

He didn't even know where his brother was, however, it seemed like he doesn't even want to know as he had too much time playing with his slaves and was barely involved in the agency's business.

Broly was tempted to just kill this fool as he had seen the horrendous sights in the memories of a man with too much influence and time on his hands.

He shook his head and dismissed the idea as this would only make the brother more cautious and maybe make him hide the Dragon Balls. He would just come back at a later date or give Kale and Caulifla some information. He ignored him and walked out again before finding a remote place to teleport away.

He appeared on the red meteor again and started to think of a place that would most likely be able to safely keep the Dragon Balls. His eyes dimmed slightly as he came to a realization. If they really collect the Dragon Balls for Champa, which place would they bring it to after they had found one? Of course, it would Champa's planet!

How the hell would he know where his planet is and even if he knew, would he be able to steal it? Broly was getting a headache as he thought about it. He could only hope that like Beerus, Champa was sleeping. Maybe he would only wake up after the Dragon Balls in his universe were all gathered.

Without further ado Broly headed for another planet that he knew the location of, or at least hoped was the same. He would just gather the dragon balls from the local planet Namek. With them he would just wish for the location of Champa's planet and then try to steal the Super Dragon Balls.

He redirected the meteor's direction towards planet Namek and continued his training. He didn't know why but he became increasingly attached to this meteor.

He continued to train for his preparation towards Super Saiyan 4 and for the new form. He had almost mastered it as he only grew in size for a few centimeters now.

He estimated that he would need another month for him to achieve complete mastery over it. As for the golden ape form or in his case the green ape form, it seemed to be easier to master than the new Super Saiyan form.

He wasn't like Goku who couldn't even control his normal Oozaru form or Vegeta who hadn't transformed into an Oozaru for decades.

He was confident that he could keep his conscious as a Super Saiyan Oozaru, but to then shrink in size would be another hurdle altogether. In fact, it doesn't seem to be much different to what he was doing with the new Super Saiyan form right now, only on a completely different scale. This weren't a few dozen centimeters after all.


A week passed as he continued to train. Suddenly a figure had once again entered his area of influence and was swept to the ground. Broly only sighed as he got up and walked towards it.

The strength of this being wasn't low for the standards of this universe as it was nearing the upper limits of a normal emperor, but for Broly it was just too weak.

He steadily walked towards the figure as an Oozaru ready to step on him, but he froze for a moment as he looked at the cloaked figure.

A cloak wasn't able to hide anything from Broly's vision. He could very well see the tail on this man. Not only could he see it, but he also felt the similar energy of a Saiyan. Unbelievable! Didn't they evolve to not having a tail, how could one appear right in front of him?

Broly didn't kill this Saiyan right away but waited for the man to speak up. He had already suspected that his giant ape form would create some notoriousness, but he didn't really expect for anyone to recognize it. Even the Saiyan's don't remember it, the only ones Broly could imagine having knowledge about it, would be the gods.

Either way it was obviously not a coincident that a Saiyan with a tail landed on his meteor. Broly helped the man to stabilize himself by dispersing the natural pressure that he emitted. With the pressure dispersed, the man was finally able to breath up.

He looked at Broly, who was currently an Oozaru with a tinge of green, in front of him with widened eyes.

"I knew it! You are the legendary Super Saiyan."
