Gathering contestants

The Exousians looked at the Z-Fighters with complicated emotions, especially when they looked at Gohan.

He looked like a young teenage boy, hardly able to be considered an adult, yet he could stand at the side of his father. The only thing that was lacking was his experience in terms of fighting.

It was a good thing that his mother, Chi-Chi, didn't hold him back, otherwise a lot of his hidden potential would have been wasted. Now, compared to his counterpart in the series, who slacked off, he was much stronger, even going as far as turning into Super Saiyan 3.

After knowing that Broly would come to destroy the world in the future coupled with the lack of confidence of Goku at that time and his pleas, Chi-Chi had compromised and let Goku train Gohan to be of help when the time needs him.

It was something Broly had hoped to see but was hardly confident that it would come out this way.

Chi-Chi was really unreasonable in the series and always hoped for Goku to solve the planetary threats. Of course, as a mother she didn't want to lose Gohan.

She wanted that he would become successful in the future, but by burying him underneath books and wanting him to be a scholar, he would have no way to defend himself in the future.

All his studying would be for naught and he would end up dead.

Beerus looked at the group of mortals and was rather satisfied with their strength until Whis threw in some advice.

"Lord Beerus, I think it would be better to include some other warriors as well. We have too many Saiyans in our team, I advise to have some diversity in our team, so in case that the Saiyans aren't able to defeat Champa's contestants, we have some beings with different abilities."

Beerus rubbed his chin with closed eyes. He nodded and spoke out.

"Indeed. We should only pick the best and have some variety. We still have time to decide and search for others until then we keep these one's here in top shape. It would be best to train them all, until we know who we really want to take with us."

He stopped pondering and looked at the unconscious mortals on the ground. He then prepared to leave again.

Whis waved his staff and the bodies of the unconscious fighters started flying towards the two deities. Bulma and Chi-Chi were trying to stop the bodies but to no avail.

The three Exousians silently followed the deities. They wanted to explain what was happening and that they shouldn't worry, but the god of destruction didn't seem to intend to wait.

With a flash they disappeared into the vast universe, leaving the shocked and worried earthlings behind.

While they were flying, Beerus spoke to the Exousians. "Do you have any other possible candidates?"

He couldn't help but ask, he wasn't nearly as knowledgeable as the higher-ups of the powerhouse called Exousia about potentially strong individuals.

"Yes, there are two more, who have exceptional strength, especially one of them is an allrounder with many different abilities. One of them belongs to Exousia, while the other has his own force. They are called Cell and Cooler. We can call upon Cell, but we only roughly know where Cooler is moving around."

"We will pick up these two on our way. It would take too long if we have to wait for this Cell to return via spaceship."

Beerus nodded and tapped on Whis shoulder, indicating that he should look for these two. Alea told Whis where these two should be. Whis didn't complain as he stopped in the middle of space

His staff started blinking shortly, until two images were being projected outwards, revealing a green planet and a giant spaceship respectively.

Without waiting for any commands Whis chose the one that was closest and started flying towards him. While they flew through space, Beerus suddenly smelled something delicious, even Whis nose was twitching slightly.

Whis stopped and both deities turned around. They saw how Cana was munching on something dark with nuts in it.

It was giving off an unusually delicious smell. It didn't look like much, but these two foodies knew that they had a delicacy in front of their eyes.

"Wha-what is that?" Beerus asked while salvia was dripping out of his mouth. Cana looked at him confused before she saw him stare at the chocolate bar in her hands. She broke off two small pieces and gave it to the two deities.

They both inspected the piece of sweet chocolate before putting it in their mouths. They both closed their eyes and moaned out in sync. They were relishing in the taste, completely forgetting about their image in front of these mortals.

Alea seemed to remember that Broly told them that if they somehow offended them, they should use delicious food to disperse the hostility.

She nudged Cana. {Remember what Broly told us? These two are foodies, they probably want more of your chocolate. It will be good to get some goodwill.} She said telepathically.

Cana looked how these two enjoying the piece to the fullest. It was like they were experiencing heaven itself. She then looked at the remaining half of her chocolate bar. Her eyes constantly switched between the gods and her chocolate bar.

It wasn't often when she would enjoy something sweet. She had seen several ads for diets on earth when she had visited.

She thought she needed to carefully choose her food, which was in fact unnecessary as her Saiyan body would just turn it into energy. It was nearly impossible for a Saiyan to get fat…

Beerus let the chocolate dissolve on his tongue before opening his eyes again. He eagerly looked at Cana who had puffed up cheeks.

She turned her head away from the god and tried to whistle but her mouth was too full, only a soft blow came out.

Alea was silently facepalming behind Cana.

Beerus was about to get angry but Whis suddenly accelerated again, almost throwing Beerus off. "Whis at least give a warning!" Beerus turned around and screamed at Whis.

"From where she got this delicious delicacy will surely be more, but I believe gathering the other two warriors is of more importance, right?" Whis slightly chuckled while giving Beerus a glance.

Beerus didn't say anything further and could only sit down reluctantly. After a few short minutes they arrived at a deep green planet. The planet was covered in thicket and swamps.

There were several beasts on this planet but the strongest could barely reach the level of a former elite class Saiyan warrior.

One could hear someone laughing manically, followed by a giant explosion. The group quickly reached the source of the explosion and saw a humanoid bug stepping on a giant frog's head.

After the incident, he had visited numerous planets only to kill frog like creatures. Now he breathed out satisfied. After the several days of hunting them down, he had vented his frustration and calmed down.

He suddenly noticed several beings floating in the air, looking at him. He recognized the unconscious group as well as the three women who were holding back their laughter.

Dark lines appeared on his forehead as he was once again reminded of the shameful situation, additionally he was seen throwing a fit. He became frustrated again.

He took a deep breath before he looked at the two beings at the front, who were scrutinizing him.

The two didn't leak out any energy. If they weren't floating in the air, he would have thought that they were powerless creatures like the earthlings.

"Hello, long time no see. I see, you brought someone to visit me. I suppose they are someone important?"

Cell said with a neither smug nor humble attitude, he didn't even spoke harshly towards the women, who were almost laughing at him.

His previous smug attitude was nowhere to be seen. It seemed like he was taught some lessons by these women.

"I shall introduce myself. I am Beerus, the god of destruction." Beerus held his chin high as he looked down at Cell.

He noticed that it was a creature, created through a mixture of some of the warriors, he had knocked out.

There were obvious trails of Frieza's DNA. The energy he gave off also had traces of other races in it, but they weren't as prominent.

While Beerus was observing Cell, so did Whis. Whis, however, didn't have the mixture of the DNA in mind as it wasn't something he had never seen, he was looking at something else.

There was a strange glint as he looked at Cell before looking deep into the black of the crystal of his staff. He quickly returned to his neutral expression with a slight smile hanging on his face.

"I am going to test both of you at the same time… Whis! Take him with us and fly towards this fella called Cooler."

"Understood, Lord Beerus." Whis waved his staff and enveloped Cell in a milky glow. Cell tried to struggle but he was too disadvantaged. His strength couldn't even remotely break him out of this energy.