Golden Cooler

A blue humanoid with a transparent screen in his hands was currently speaking with someone, who was sitting in a large chair and swirling around blood red wine in his glass.

"If we want to conquer the Black Eye Galaxy, we have to move-"

"Lord Cooler!" Suddenly someone burst into the room. His face showed his anxiousness and after he came into the room, he breathed heavily while trying to say something, however, no one could understand what he was saying.

Cooler on the chair frowned slightly as he turned towards the subordinate, who just burst into his room.

"Calm down and breathe! Tell me what happened!" Cooler ordered. The subordinate immediately took several deep breaths and just as he was about to speak again, another voice sounded out above them.

"Oh, I think I remember you now. Aren't you the big brother of Frieza?" The voice carried a pressure with it that made everyone in the room shiver.

Cooler was shivering as well, but it was only partly caused by this unusual pressure. He recognized the voice. It was deeply buried in his memories and the fear he associated with it ran deep.

Cooler looked up and saw the entire roof of the cockpit of his ship ripped open. In the middle of the whole stood he, the god of destruction, Beerus.

Cooler wanted to say something but before he could even make a sound, Beerus called out to someone called Whis behind him.

Immediately afterwards Cooler was kidnapped by this god, leaving the frightened subordinates behind.

Cooler was floating on his back as he was being dragged behind the god and angel duo. He saw several other beings, of which he recognized some.

He was about to ask but after remembering, who was dragging him, he didn't dare to speak out loud. It was obvious why he would be confused when the others were casually talking about some stuff, while healing the unconscious bunch.

He wanted to hush them, but he was still floating helplessly in the air. If he now called out to them in his awkward position to shut them up, wouldn't he just make a fool out of himself?

He tried to struggle to get out of this weird energy, which was enveloping him, or at least straightened himself, so that he didn't look like a turtle on its back.

Fortunately, he wasn't the only one, who had his freedom taken from him. A giant bug was floating next to him in the same manner. Cooler frowned slightly as he felt traces of his brother's ki on this being.

The bug turned to him as he noticed that he was being stared at. The bug suddenly showed a mocking smile towards Cooler, which stunned him for second.

'Why the fuck, are you looking so smug?? Do have a look in the mirror, you shitty bug! ...' Cooler looked away from this bug, but he still continued to curse him in his head.

He wouldn't say it out loud as it wouldn't be favorable to draw attention towards himself in this kind of situation. He closed his eyes and ignored the others for the rest of the flight.

It took only a few minutes until the group arrived on a strange looking planet. Cooler opened his eyes after noticing their intrusion into a different dimension.

The atmosphere made him comfortable. They quickly landed and Cell and Cooler were freed of the energy.

They heavily fell on the ground and before they could reorganize themselves, Beerus spoke out again.

"Alright. You two come at me, let me see how strong you really are. Don't worry I will be going easy on you."

"Hmph. Let's see what you've got then!" Cell sprung up and directly charged at Beerus to vent the frustration of the humiliation he experienced just now.

In flight Cell put two fingers on his forehead and suddenly disappeared from the spot only to remerge behind Beerus. He punched out.

His fist heavily landed on the tip of Beerus tail. Suddenly the tail lashed out like a whip and smacked Cell in the face, sending him into the lake.

Cooler finally came out of his daze and jumped into the air. He doesn't know why the god of destruction wanted to be attacked, but he didn't dare to delay his request.

It was also a chance to get rid of his fear of this being. If he knew that Beerus wasn't as strong as his father had acclaimed, he might be able to achieve greater heights.

In the air, Cooler put up both his arms and a giant sun was rapidly gathering above him. It took only a few moments until his attack was ready to be fired.

Without considering the planet or anybody else, he swung his arms down, pointing them at Beerus.

"Supernova!" The giant ball accelerated as it was thrown towards the god.

Cell had jumped out of the lake and looked up at the giant energy sphere only to curse under his breath, "This maniac!".

Beerus was evidently unimpressed as he looked at the supernova heading for him. He only raised his arm and pointed his hand towards the incoming attack. A small energy sphere shot out of Beerus' hand.

It looked comical as the tiny sphere pushed back the supernova back to where it came from. Cooler quickly dodged his own attack and followed the supernova with his eyes as it exploded in the space outside of Beerus' planet.

Cooler looked back towards Beerus, who was smirking slightly. "If energy attacks won't work, how about this!"

A huge current of energy suddenly gushed out of him before it converged again, creating a golden glow on Cooler's skin.

After a second the exoskeleton of Cooler was now painted golden and his confidence could be felt after transforming. "You can call me Golden Cooler!"

After listening to him, the people on the ground had an expression that said, 'Really?'.

"I see... I hope your naming sense isn't as bad as your capabilities!" Beerus said with some anticipation.

Cooler directly charged out after Beerus finished his sentence. In a blink of an eye, Cooler arrived in front of Beerus and punched out.

Beerus held up his arm and easily blocked the attack with one hand. Cooler was stunned but his expression instantly turned fierce as he continued his onslaught.

Cell didn't wait till the fight was finished, while Cooler was engaging Beerus, he was charging up a Kamehameha.

Beerus casually attacked after getting bored of blocking the attacks of Cooler. Cooler stood no chance against the speed of the god of destruction and was mercilessly beaten up.

Just as Beerus kicked Cooler into the ground, Cell showed up in front of him and released his Kamehameha directly in Beerus' face.

The attack lasted for a few seconds before it dissipated. Beerus only patted his clothes, looking unharmed.

Cell's eyes widened and was directly knocked out by a quick strike against his chin. He dizzily fell to the ground right next to the crater of Cooler.

Beerus then blindly slashed out with his tail, destroying a destructo disc that Cell had prepared before he charged up his Kamehameha.

"Really, not bad. I didn't know that there were so many fine fighters in my universe." Beerus could easily tell their potential, especially the potential strength of Cooler's transformation

The only reason its strength was subpar to its potential was due to the lack of control of Cooler. If he could control it correctly, he would be able to contend to the weaker god of destructions.

Still right now, he was the strongest among the present group, the only thing lacking was his martial knowledge. His attack pattern was too crude.

Cell on the other hand was unpredictable with his teleportation and his attacks. His martial knowledge was also up to par with his power. Still he was barely as strong as the other Saiyans.

Looking at Cooler, Whis' eyes had the same glint in his eyes, when he first met Cell, but as before he didn't show much reaction otherwise.

"Whis. What do you say, we train them for a week and a day before the tournament start, we will choose the best among them?"

"We?" Whis asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Cough. Of course, I will take a look from time to time." Beerus said shamelessly and started to walk away.

"Sigh. Listen up!" Whis raised his voice to garner the attention of those around him. The Z-Fighters were already healed and had woken up just in time to see the fight between Cooler, Cell and Beerus.

After confirming that everyone was listening, Whis continued. "A week isn't a lot of time. I could probably only extend our time to a few years. It would be the best if you give it your all, otherwise who knows if Beerus destroys you in dissatisfaction."

Although Whis said this with an innocent smile on his face, the content of his speech didn't make anybody present, who had a sense of crisis, happy.