
"Haha! Awesome! A tournament between universes and we are being trained by someone who is friends with a god!" Goku laughed out loud as he became excited of the prospect of meeting new powerful enemies.

He was constantly growing more powerful. He has almost surpassed the strongest of Exousia and now he learns that completely new enemies, which possibly far surpasses him in strength, will be his opponents. He couldn't help but be excited.

"Indeed, although I have only been the mentor of Lord Beerus for a very long time, I hope you will gain a lot out of this training. Maybe you will get even stronger than Lord Beerus."

"What?! You are Beerus' mentor?!?" Goku screamed out.

Although he knew that Whis had to be strong as he could stand side to side with Beerus and didn't lose out of the danger he gave off, he wouldn't have imagined that Whis was in fact Beerus' mentor.

He had high hopes for the training with Whis before, but now his expectations increased a whole lot.

"What are we doing first??" Goku was eager to start but Whis had other plans.

"Before we begin our training, you will have to know where you are going to live from here onwards." With that being said, Whis teleported the group into his staff a room of time and space, very similar to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

He led them through some buildings that were built in the center of this giant room. He quickly showed them their rooms and where they could find food and other daily necessities.

Afterwards they walked to an open field. Whis looked at the 12 candidates for the tournament of which 8 were Saiyans. One of them was a Frost Demon, a Namekian, a Hera and a mix of multiple races.

Whis then separated the group into groups of 4.

The Exousians formed a team. Cooler, Bardock and Gine formed another team and Vegeta, Gohan and Cell were assigned as the third team. The last team consisted of Piccolo, Goku and Raditz.

He then let two groups fight each other. Although he had seen the fight between them and Beerus and knew of their general capabilities, it would be better to have a look at a fight when the powers are somewhat the same.

He wanted them to struggle with all their strength and bring out everything they got.

Fortunately, Whis didn't need to motivate them as everyone recognized the underlying threat of the statement Whis had made previously.

If they didn't put any efforts into their training, they would probably die through Beerus hands.

Even Goku became exceptionally serious, when it involved training and rising to a new level of strength.

While they were fighting their hearts out with each other, Whis began to analyze their fighting style, strengths, weaknesses and potential.

From time to time he could be seen nodding slightly as he assessed this group of fighters. He was impressed at how far these mortals got on their own.

He couldn't help but smile in anticipation of how far these 12 warriors will go. Maybe one of them will be the future god of destruction.

After the fight he let this group rest for a while and started to check on Broly, who was still in the midst of training.

Whis noticed that he grew even stronger and that he should be able to endure robots of higher quality.

After seeing Broly struggle anew, having no room for distraction, Whis eyes flashed for a second. He then turned to look at Cell and Cooler…

"Hey, want a drink?" Whis said to the group while conjuring up a table with a lot of water bottles on it.

Cooler and Cell approached the table and suddenly they both got smacked on the head.

They directly turned around to beat up anyone, who dared to mess with them, only to see Whis with his staff resting on his shoulder. They immediately stopped with their actions.

"Oh, sorry I just saw a bug. Hohohoho" Whis held a hand in front of his mouth as he turned around to leave.

Cooler was confused for a second after which he saw two bugs twitching on the ground. He didn't know why Whis had bothered with these insects, but he didn't want to ask either, so he just dropped it.

Cell on the other hand was feeling frustrated for some reason. Although he saw the bugs on the ground as well, he couldn't help but feel personally attacked.

Whis then went around and smacked some other people as he killed the bugs that came out of nowhere.

Cooler turned around to get some water. After he opened the bottle and was about to drink, he froze. He lowered the bottle and looked at the back of his hand.

He placed the bottle on the table and then observed his palm for a bit. He felt different. Cell beneath a tree could be seen doing the same…

With Whis weird abilities to manipulate space and his unique room of space and time inside his staff, he started an extended period of training.

It was an extremely harsh training that brought all of the 12 warriors to the verge of breaking.

Even the three Exousians, who underwent the training with Broly that always at least included several broken bones, could barely complete a full routine.

However, every single one of them knew that after this training, each of them would be the very peak of power in this universe and no one could stand against them. Of course, that only prescribed that Whis wouldn't train anyone else.

A few months into the training Cooler suddenly behaved strangely as he excused himself from training and started to meditate beneath a tree for days without a stop.

It was like he was manically trying to achieve something. Cell started doing the same a few months later. He showed the same behavior, but it wasn't as excessively as Cooler. He still came to the basic training.

Although Cell had started this behavior later, he stopped it before Cooler did. He also didn't want to reveal what he had been doing.

At that point he showed more goodwill towards Whis, which didn't seem to come from the fact that he was being trained by this angel.

Cooler took a lot longer. A year in and he finally stopped whatever he was doing. He too started to show more goodwill towards Whis, his attitude was exceedingly more different than it was with Cell, who was basically the same as before with only a little bit difference.

Cooler got colder in his interactions with the Exousians and even showed some hostility.

No matter how the others asked them, they wouldn't reveal a single thing, which was true for Whis as well.

He only mysteriously smiled but said nothing as a response. He only told them to ask the people, who are affected.

The Z-Fighters were clueless but the Exousians were somewhat aware of what was going on. Their guesses were confirmed when they recalled that Whis had been increasingly checking up on Broly, when the behaviors of the two changed.

Although they knew what was going on, they couldn't do anything about it and refocused on their training.

Whis was currently working on their base and said that if they met his requirements, he would show them how to reach a higher level. Something very different to the things they had done previously.

He claimed that he would make them godlike beings. The group was excessively motivated by this. Whis underestimated their will for improvements and had to up his training by quite a bit to match their eagerness.

While training a total of two years passed for the group and now it was time for the group to end their training.

It was only a single day in the outside world until the tournament between the universes officially starts. Whis gathered them all and had them all fight it out in a free for all, which decided 4 of the contestants in the tournament.

Cooler's and Cell's eyes flashed as they heard that one of the spots was already taken and that they had to fight for the remaining ones.

They quickly fought it out and decided the four contestants. Some were in high spirits as they could enter the tournament while others could only sigh.

They didn't know Beerus would view the others, whose strength wasn't on par with the contestants.

Beerus was already waiting for the group to exit the staff. He was getting excited thinking about how strong these mortals that were personally trained by an angel would be.

With a flash the staff was suddenly grabbed by a person, who happened to be Whis. Beerus looked at the 12 candidates. He only nodded deeply as he sensed the different vibe they were giving off.

Beerus could sense the hidden sharpness of these warriors. Previously he didn't really put them into his eyes but now he had to reevaluate them, especially those that were leading the group.