Vegeta’s pride

Vegeta took in his battle stance. He became serious against Caulifla. Although he could handle the fact that he lost against Broly, he wouldn't accept defeat against Broly's disciple of less of a year. He would beat up this little shit no matter the cost.

Caulifla became serious as well, but like Vegeta she decided to first engage in her base form. It was like a natural law that compelled Saiyans to test their opponents one transformation at a time. This time Vegeta took the initiative and released a volley of energy blasts.

Seeing this, Caulifla stood her ground and slapped away the blasts with her hands.

"Tch." Vegeta stopped targeting her body and aimed at the ground around her instead. The blasts immediately created a smokescreen, obscuring everyone's sight.

Vegeta directly followed up by jumping into the air and gathering energy above his head in both his hands. The energy ball quickly reached the size of a truck before Vegeta hurriedly threw it directly into the smokescreen.

The following explosion engulfed almost half of the entire arena. However, a figure apparently unharmed flew through the explosion and headed towards Vegeta.

Caulifla had a smirk on her face as if to say that these attacks were nothing to her. Vegeta only snorted as he raised up his palm. Caulifla squinted her eyes as she anticipated a ki attack.

"Ha!" Vegeta gave a short shout as a formless push extended from his palm.

Not being able to see the attack, Caulifla received the full brunt. Fortunately for her, this attack was just enough to put a stop to her approach, which was exactly what Vegeta was going for.

He used the momentarily pause to directly punch her into the ground. She crashed into the arena in full speed, creating yet another smokescreen, which was quickly dispersed due to a golden aura.

"Was that all you got, grandpa?!" Caulifla shouted as she dusted herself off. Vegeta's vein almost popped as he heard this. Without hesitation he too turned into a Super Saiyan as well.

They flew at each other and met in the middle with a loud bang, pushing both backwards. The shockwave pushed all the ruble on the arena out of bounds.

Their figures flashed all over the place as they engaged in a fierce battle. The arena was destroyed bit by bit with every clash. It took them a while before they raised the battle to the next level.

Ascended Super Saiyan. Caulifla's aura was by no means less than Vegeta's. Both showed that they had reached the peak of the transformation, however, Vegeta's power was more in depth.

It was evidently because he already achieved Super Saiyan 3, unlike Caulifla. His advantage came with his control over his Saiyan power.

Of course, his martial skill was something that only few could match, even less Caulifla, who played a punk for the majority of her life. She was dominated by Vegeta, who was much more skilled than her.

Vegeta was beating her up left and right, however, her cheeky and smug remarks remained. After a while Vegeta knocked her out and therefore concluding the second fight.

Vegeta undid his transformation and steadied his breath as he waited for the presenter to announce the next fighter.

He didn't have to wait long. As soon as Caulifla's defeat was announced Kale jumped towards Caulifla and carried her to the contestant area.

She asked Vados to heal her and then jumped into the ring, completely ignoring Champa's tantrum he threw and the threats he gave out. Whis had barely any time to repair the arena.

Kale inhaled large amount of air with every breath. It was like she was doing her best to restrain herself.

The presenter was shocked and quickly announced their fight. As soon as his voice fell, Kale unleashed a frightening amount of ki like an open dam.

The ground beneath her feet crushed under the pressure she emitted. Her body released a green glow as her body and her muscles grew a few centimeters.

It wasn't to the degree of her initial berserker mode as it remained much more balanced. She now looked like the athletic warrior that she is.

Ki was swirling around her body with lightning in between. This was evidently her strongest form, Ascended Legendary Super Saiyan.

Broly shook his head with a smile as he thought, 'Even Legendary Super Saiyans have to hold up Saiyan battle courtesies.'.

The audience was shocked at the transformation, especially the earthlings. They thought that Broly would be the only one that could use this kind of form, after all every Saiyan beside Broly used the golden Super Saiyan form.

They had only seen it once when Broly had engaged those future demon magicians, but now there was another one.

Broly's wives were surprised as well and immediately came to a realization as to why he had taken in these two Saiyans. They could see in the fight between Vegeta and Caulifla that she was yet another prodigy and with Kale as a legendary Super Saiyan, they saw their future potential.

They were once again surprised as to how Broly was able identify prodigies. He had always talked that Vegeta and Goku were prodigies and lo and behold they already exceeded them in strength, even though they had achieved Super Saiyan much later in life.

Now he announced that he had two disciples that looked barely 15, of which one could already engage Vegeta in a fight.

True, Caulifla only pushed Vegeta to an Ascended Super Saiyan and was then treated as a punching bag because of her lack of martial skill, but this was feat that couldn't be underestimated.

Vegeta as well as all the other contestant were the peak of universe 7. It wouldn't get much stronger than those.

Now the other disciple revealed herself as the same kind as Broly. Vegeta didn't hold back any longer and directly turned Super Saiyan 3. Broly's eyes were glistering as he looked at this rarely seen transformation of Vegeta.

"Oh, how they grow up." Broly said to Goku, who was frowning as he looked at the battle.

Kale only dashed towards him after he had transformed. It seemed like she didn't want to beat him sneakily or was it just another Saiyan battle courtesy?

Either way, as soon as Vegeta was prepared, Kale made her move. She directly appeared in front of him.

Her speed was unparalleled from what was seen before in this tournament. Even Vegeta in his current strongest transformation had a hard time following her rush towards him.

He hurriedly raised his arms as he blocked the incoming punch.


Vegeta slid over the ground. Only after he stopped did he lowered his arms. One of his arms was now limply hanging on his side. In a single punch his arm became useless.

Kale wasn't following up with anything as she coldly looked at Vegeta. Vegeta gritted his teeth. He knew that although he is most likely superior to her in terms of martial skill, he wouldn't necessarily be able to cross this gap.

There was a limit to which skill could help one defeat another. It would only take the opponent to be twice as strong or fast to put immense pressure on the martial artist.

However, all of this didn't matter in a fight. One could only advance or admit defeat!

"I am the prince of ALL SAIYANS! I won't lose against YOU!!" Vegeta stomped the ground and accelerated to his fastest and beyond.

Kale was surprised but quickly regained her composure as she caught the powerful punch of Vegeta. She slid backwards as Vegeta pushed on.

He then redirected his energy downwards, causing her to lean forward. He directly abused the gap in the defense and kneed her in the face.

Kale was thrown back and skidded over the ground before doing a flip and landing on her feet again.

She couldn't rest as Vegeta followed up with a flying kick. She was already with her back to the boundary. One step further and she would be disqualified.

Vegeta knew if the kick connected, he would win this fight. He looked at her face, but instead of the panic that he had thought he would see was only a sneer to find.

She opened her mouth and ki rapidly gathered in her mouth. Before Vegeta was able to reach Kale or dodge, she released her attack.

The created explosion covered the entire arena. However, the fight wasn't over. Booming sounds rang out in the smoke.

No one was able to see what was happening, but one could imagine the beating that was happening in there. Only after the sight was cleared, were the audience able to see base Vegeta being held up by the hair.

In the next moment Kale threw Vegeta out of bounds. Just as the fight seemed over, Vegeta put up a final struggle. His body glowed vigorously with a golden hue as he once again entered Super Saiyan.

Unfortunately, Kale seemed to have anticipated this and appeared directly above Vegeta. Vegeta gritted his teeth as he held up his arms in a futile attempt to block the attack.

Like everyone expected, Vegeta's efforts were in vain as he heavily crashed into the ground outside of the arena.