Goku vs Kale

Kale waited on the stage for her next opponent. She had already undone her transformation before Vados had repaired the arena. Afterwards they had to decide who would go on the stage next from universe 7.

After seeing Kale's prowess, Goku was immediately excited and shouted out that he wanted to have a go. He directly jumped into the ring. However, Kale's focus wasn't on him. She stared into universe 7's contestant area only to see an imposing figure staring coldly at her.

They interlocked glares. Kale immediately noticed the hostility in this man's eyes. The tail behind the figure was slowly moving from side to side. It looked like a snake that was about to pounce at its prey.

The red eyes seemed to glow as Cooler stared at Broly's disciple. As soon as he saw Kale's transformation, he wanted to step in and have a go himself. He wanted to drag their fight out as he broke every single bone in her body.

However, he knew that it wasn't a smart move now. He would use up more strength with every additional fight he had, and he needed his stamina for the moment Broly was exhausted after he finished his fight.

In fact, he had also wanted to beat up Caulifla, but she was too weak to stand up against Vegeta and was quickly disqualified. He still enjoyed her being beaten up though.

Kale ignored him as he wasn't her opponent. She looked at Goku, who had a big smile on his face. It wasn't like he stepped in to fight her at all.

"Hey, great fight! You really look like Broly, is he like your father?" Broly almost stumbled at what he just heard.

He shook his head helplessly, maybe they didn't know due to Saiyans unusual growth, but he was in his 20's! How old would he need to be to have a kid that was 14??

"What?! No! He is my mentor!" Kale said flustered as well.

"Whaaat? So, there are like more of you out there?"

Kale was slightly irritated and didn't answer him. He didn't seem to care and started to jump up and down to warm himself up. He did some stretches and rotated his shoulders before finally going into his stance. The gong has already been rung.

"Never mind then, let's fight!" Goku now said with a solemn expression. Kale looked at him before going into her stance as well.

It was the one she had copied from Broly. With her arms pointing to the side on the ground while having one foot in front of her other.

Goku's eyes squinted slightly and then abruptly dashed towards Kale. He quickly arrived slightly above her before he did front flip kick.

Kale put up both her arms and blocked the kick from above. Her legs slightly bent as her feet slightly pierced into the ground. She straightened her body again and pushed Goku's leg away with her arms.

Goku used the momentum from her push and did a backflip, directly following up with another kick. Kale hurriedly used her hand to push his kick to the side. Before she could counterattack a punch followed.

This went on for a couple of rounds with Goku on the offensive and Kale trying her best to not take any damage. Champa was already screaming for Kale to transform, but she stayed in her base as she fought Goku.

After a few minutes Goku distanced himself. "Thanks for the warm up, alright let's raise it up a notch!" With a short shout he transformed into an ascended Super Saiyan. He was clear that he would otherwise stand no chance against her normal Super Saiyan form.

The corners of Kale's lips curled upwards as he transformed into her legendary state. However, instead of her initial berserker form, she only grew slightly taller, not even as much as her ascended legendary state.

Broly squinted slightly as he looked at her transformation. He knew that their legendary states were a bit different, so this wasn't really a surprise to him as it was for his wives and for those with the knowledge about his transformation.

He could tell that she had no problem controlling her ki and therefore didn't grow as tall as she would have. Her body also seemed naturally more adept in handling her energy than Broly's. So, that the increased ki in her body only expanded her size a little.

In her ascended state, she would grow even more as her ki output is way larger, but it would not grow to the extent that she had to fear of becoming a huge monster or even exploding.

With Super Saiyan 3, she would probably barely reach 2 meters. It was the exact opposite of Broly's transformation. She didn't have to compact the energy to break through.

Goku in his ascended state was almost as strong as Kale and with his experience he could even create a gap in his favor between them.

They fought each other until they rose the level another time. Goku as a Super Saiyan 3 against Kale in her ascended state. Goku and Vegeta were on the same scale of strength, so Goku too had problems keeping up with Kale's power.

He knew that he would stand no chance against her in close combat. He put a finger on his forehead and suddenly disappeared from Kale's sight.


She heavily fell on her side, sliding across the ground. She had only noticed a blurry shadow hit her from the corner of her eyes. She quickly stood up again and searched for Goku all over the place, but she couldn't find him until she heard the scream.

"…haaaaaaa meeeeeee…" She saw him glow in a golden and blue hue as ki gathered in his hands. Suddenly he disappeared and Kale heard a teeth-gritting close to her.

She looked down again, only to see Goku's whole body being tense as veins all over were bulging. He had cupped a blue sphere in his hands to the side of his body as he looked at Kale with a piercing gaze.

"haaaaaaa!!!" He thrusted out his hands towards the shocked Kale. The ki wave coming out instantly engulfed her whole body.

The beam extended out as it heavily hit the barrier, created by Whis. This went on for a few seconds before Goku couldn't keep it up any longer. He dropped his arms.

"Haa haa haa." Goku was grasping for air as he looked at the dispersing smoke. Disbelieve appeared in his eyes as he looked at the figure in front. "Unbelievable! This was a full power Kamehameha!"

Kale's whole body was slightly burnt, especially her lower arms, which give off a bit of smoke. She had put up her arms to cover her head as she had no time to dodge that attack.

She slowly lowered her crossed arms and then waved her hand. A green sphere shot out and carried Goku into the air before exploding.

He was exhausted through his attack just now and had no way to defend. He limply fell to the ground as smoke came from his whole body.

Universe 7's spectators were screaming Goku's name. Goku reacted to her shouts but before he could stand up again, Kale kicked him heavily into his sides, sending him out of bounds.

Maybe if he wasn't fighting against Kale or someone else, who wasn't decisive, he could have taken his time to get up again, but as Broly taught her, she finished and secured her victory in the slightest moment of notice.

Although Broly liked a challenge, against someone, who can threaten his life or those that he cared for, he would show no hesitation or playfulness anymore. It was also unnecessary to teach her how to drag things out in a natural way as it seemed to be a Saiyan instinct either way.

She won yet again and Champa was thrilled. Both sides had the same number of fighters left, however Kale was already exhausted and hurt.

Although she had raised a ki barrier in the last moment, there wasn't enough time to come out unscathed. Fortunately, her body was more than tough.

Cooler's eyes flashed once again as he was tempted to jump in. Before he could give in to the impulse Zangya jumped into the ring. Goku was immediately healed like the other contestants, so he too could watch the next fights.

As soon as the gong sounded out, Zangya stretched out her arms with her fingers spread. Kale waited for the attack to came but nothing happened.

"Huh? What is she doin'?" Champa exclaimed. Beerus squinted as he looked at Zangya's hands. He knew about her abilities but was surprised how difficult it was to detect it.

Vados raised her eyebrows before saying "Oh my. I thought she would advance further. Seems like her winning streaks end here." Vados shook her head slightly in disappointment.

Champa turned towards her. "What do you mean??"

"An almost invisible attack..."

Kale on the other hand was oblivious to her imminent defeat. She didn't wait any longer and stomped the ground to propel her towards Zangya. However, she directly stopped a meter away from her initial position.

She felt as if she had just jumped into a spider web. She could feel the threads on her limbs, but she couldn't see any.

Suddenly she felt that her energy was leaving her. In panic she directly advanced into her ascended state.

With a quick burst some threads looked like they caught fire, however, there were too many of them and more threads were entangling her. The light her ki gave off quickly dimmed as her energy was being drained and sealed away.

Her eyelids became heavy as she became increasingly tired from the loss of her energy. Zangya waited for a second before confirming Kale's status before flinging her towards the boundary. Kale crashed into the edge of the arena before she heavily landed on the ground outside.

"Oops" Zangya said with an indifferent expression.