big bad wolf

"Peace!" Wren weakly gestured a peace sign in his hand seeing his boss possessed-like expression.

"Hehe, brother, I cannot talk peace and have a gun." Seraphina smirks naughtily. Wren gulps a mouthful of saliva understanding the meaning behind her words. It just means that even if she didn't literally bring a gun right now -- she is a weapon herself!

"Bo-- Miss Yue! I'll pay for it, I swear!" Referring to the dining room's fee, Wren tries to salvage his life.

"your majesty, I was just teasing you… please quench your anger." If Wren could kowtow, he would. Alas, his back collar is trapped on Seraphina's clutches. When Seraphina heard the words she wanted to hear, she releases him in an instant.

"That's what I thought." Seraphina dust off her hands, satisfied.

"Alas, did you really plan those businessmen to mingle with your employees?" Wren dejectedly inquired whilst fixing his creased suit.