
"Chairwoman, I, George Yue as your uncle and guardian will forever support you until you reach your goals for our company." George Yue was the last one to toast with her.

"Thank you, Uncle." with that note, both of them gulp their small glasses of wine.

The dinner went smoothly for about an hour. Just then, her valued guest left one after another. Until they are only a few people present, George Yue stood from his seat.

"Niece, I shall take my leave now since we still have a lot of business to attend to." George Yue politely said which Seraphina magnanimously permitted.

No one saw the mocking smirk George Yue was wearing when he left the dining area. 'Huh, let's see if you won't lose face when the night ends.' he ridiculed inwardly. His other minion also excused themselves as they follow George.