meet the devil

"Damn fool." Seraphina leaned her back against the Yue Family entrance. Letting out a heavy sigh, she hangs her head low.

She knew that her move just now or rather, everything she does and says to Liam would always lead to her deeper lies. But, bluntly saying she loves him as well with sincerity -- Liam would definitely detect her lies. After all, there's a huge difference with like and love.

The kiss might be as cruel as her lies. However, if she wanted to keep fabricating her feeling towards him; she had to do it with full deception -- not a single suspicion to rose. Seraphina already set her mind to continue her plans for the safety of Sebastian Yue.

Selfish? She could be more than greedy for the sake of her grandfather. Yet, as far as she drags Liam to her predicament, her screaming inner voice always interjects. Even so, he already became her scapegoat instead of Sebastian Yue.