necessary countermeasure

"He is indeed Max's men." Still staring at the lifeless body of the man, Alexander Han started in certainty.

"Young Master… do you have to do this yourself?" Though Thomas Yang was hesitant, he still mustered his courage to spat his concern. He doesn't want his master to turn just like his brother alas, it seems he's becoming more and more ruthless. Whether it will be an advantage or the other way, he was worried.

"Tom, this is my atonement for being powerless. I can only move forward." Alexander Han responded emotionlessly.

"I beg my pardon, young master." Thomas Yang hangs his head low as he apologizes for questioning Alexander Han.

He already anticipates that one of these days, Alexander Han's hand will be inevitably tainted with blood. Hence, his master could only toughen his heart -- yet, how dare he spouted his nonsensical concern?