Good mor--noon?

"Contact Max if there is any progress." Dragon's authoritative voice commanded before nonchalantly left the premises.

Its been years that this project was on-going and if it was a success, domineering the world will be a piece of cake. His relentless ambition is like a bottomless pit. Moreover, now that he has someone to protect, he wanted to build a place for her safety in this corrupt and dangerous world.

Dragon left the premises without a care in the world as he knew the devil's eyes were activated that blinds Luciano's god's eye -- keeping Dragon safe for now. Since his relationship with Seraphina was now official, he's taking great efforts to keep his safety. Furthermore, he doesn't want her to become a widow before she knew it.

Unbeknownst to his knowledge, when his ride exited the facility's vicinity, Seraphina was dilly-dallying on the side of the road. Although his car was speeding, she caught the glimpse of his plate number.