baby man

"Hehe, baby, what are you doing here?" Seraphina inquired diverting her attention to other things. Alas, Dragon just stares at her and responded with his own concern.

"You didn't sleep well?"

Seraphina sighs as an answer. She hangs her head low dejectedly.

'No, I didn't sleep at all.' she complains inwardly but Seraphina didn't speak her mind.

"Come here." Dragon with his ever melodious deep voice, he invited her over which she obediently complied. Just as she was about to sit beside him, Dragon pulled her to him causing her to collapse on his lap.

"It's dusty," he stated smoothly.

"Woah~ baby loves, you dissed and coaxed me at the same time!" Seraphina was in awe by the way he delivers his insult. Though it was true, she felt happy being treated like a baby in return!

"What happened?" Though he still bears his cold front, Seraphina felt his concerned about why she had a bad night.