the beginning of the end V

[one month later]

"Da--da!" an infant child stretched his cute tiny hands towards his father's face. Dragon stared down at the little precious that has the same innocent and jet black eyes like Seraphina.

He didn't know why there's a child in his arms, or what was happening. Recalling his last memories, he winced at the last scene of Seraphina's accident which caused a throbbing pain on his head. However, the pain vanished when the child's little hands touched his face.

"Da--da!" After another cute 'dada', the child chuckled like he was being tickled. He was so bubbly and cute that even Dragon was momentarily in trance. He was never fond of children and cannot imagine having one, or that's before he met Seraphina.

Unconsciously, his index finger mildly pokes the baby's hand which made the child let out another cute laugh. Dragon's gaze softens as he was reminded of Seraphina's bright smiles just like that child.