the beginning of the end VI

[a few days later]

His eyes beneath his lids start to flicker as Dragon regained his consciousness. Soon, his eyes cracked open. His room wasn't too bright -- as if it was designed for him to have a comfortable vision when he woke up.

Meekly scanning the room, Dragon spotted Ezt and Max on the side. It seems that they hadn't noticed their master regaining consciousness as both have grim expression plastered across their faces.

The next second, Max moves his gaze on Dragon. As soon as he saw his pale complexion yet conscious master, he immediately called out and rushed towards Dragon. Ezt, on the other hand, pressed the button that calls for medical staff.


Dragon weakly gestured him to keep his distance. "Where is she?"

Max halted as he heard the first words of his master the moment he woke up. Contemplating for a while, Max decided to come clean and report everything to Dragon. After all, it's better to tell him earlier than regret later.