Why are you here again?

"Just get her treated."

After their Master said the word, everyone busied themselves putting Seraphina on a drip and other medical procedure they needed to perform.

Though there is a natural way of treating Seraphina's situation alas, no matter how willing Dragon for lending her hand, alas, he can't just intrude her body just with that excuse, can he?

Moreover, he was afraid that the love drug contains a different deadly ingredient. Hence, he chose the safest and best solution in resolving the matter.

After the people who're in civilian attire but actually professional medical staffs, the foreign middle-aged man who greeted and lead the treatment for Seraphina approached Dragon who was leisurely perching on the side.

"Master, she's safe now. You are right, the aphrodisiac drug that on her system has a much higher dosage but there's no deadly ingredients…" the assumed doctor report as soon as he got the result of their test.