Sleeping beauty

Just as X started his concern, everyone's hostility heightened when they heard a rustle.

Raising their guns, they opened fire without hesitation in the direction of the sound. After a few shots, they stopped firing.

Just as the deafening gunshots sound subsided, a petite with the same figure as Leon came into sight with a huge bulletproofed shield.

Seeing a familiar man, Leon halted Riggs from opening fire again. "stop, I know him."

"Ezt, it good to see you, again. Where is my dearest?" Leon added.

Ezt emotionlessly stared back at Leon before he turned his back and without a word, he started taking strides from where he came out.

Leon grinned as he followed suit. Just as Leon started following Ezt, Riggs spoke. "what -- we're going to follow and trust the guy?"

"Riggs, I told you, I know him." Leon confidently affirmed without turning his head. Soon, Rex also follows Ezt lead then one after another, they also started taking strides.