Stop looking at my abs

Even though she evidently heard his usual bullying, Seraphina didn't respond and kept her unmoving position like that. Riggs who knew that his words weren't as comforting as it may come off because he was bad at it, also stayed with his position and protected the only area he could from the heavy rain.

Seeing Riggs action, Ace brows knitted. Given that he sympathized with Seraphina and was saddened by her loss because he too respected Sebastian Yue. Alas, why does Riggs turned soft seeing Seraphina in this state?

'Is he serious when he said he liked her?' a sudden thought hovered on Ace mind as he fixed his gaze towards his confidant and his employer. Glancing at Rex, to Ace surprise, the usual blank expression that he always bore fluctuate and a trace of sadness flashed across his face. Surely, the way his confidants react was rather suspicious. It was as if they knew Seraphina for years to be affected by her.