Assisting her to take a bath

Ace shook his head by the shameless remarks of Riggs and retracted his disgusted gaze away from him. Leaning back on the soft, comfortable sofa, Ace relaxed a little. Though he had his suspicion, he couldn't show even the slightest wariness as his confidants were as keen as him. Therefore, he must act like his usual self -- curious about things that were happening around him.

Soon, Rex appeared and to Ace' surprise, Rex was wearing a casual gray shirt and loose pants. To Ace perspective, Rex wouldn't be this comfortable if he's not in their main headquarters. Moreover, he found some smart casual that Rex will surely choose but he didn't.

Glancing at the topless Riggs who covered his buff chest as if he was about to be molested, Ace clicked his tongue in annoyance. He just realized why Riggs chose to not wear any shirt because he doesn't want to wear the same looking shirt like the one that Rex wore.