Long time no see, Dad

"Liam --" Suddenly, Logan Jin's voice was heard. By the looks of it, he seemed he rushed his way to Liam's study which was a bit peculiar or rather, he rarely does rush his way to his son's quarters if it wasn't urgent.

However, when Liam turned his head towards him, Logan Jin swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Seeing a stick of cigarette clipped in between his finger and seemed that he interrupted his son by lighting if up, Logan Jin's aura gradually turned cold and stifling.


"Long time no see, Dad." Liam smiled alas, his smile wasn't near even the slightest bit with his usual gentle front. It was treacherous and ominous. Seeing that same bloodcurdling smile that Logan Jin would never forget and would forever haunt him as his negligence being Liam's father, beads of sweat formed on Logan Jin's forehead seeing 'him' again.

What? Why? How?