"Rise and shine, Aurora!" 

Riggs was awoken by Riece' loud voice and by the blinding light coming from his window as his sister roughly slid open the curtain that was shielding Riggs room from sunlight. Throwing his arms to cover his eyes, Riggs lightly groan in annoyance.

"5 minutes Riece -- shut your trap,"

Though this occurrence always happens every single day, he will never get used to it. He wants more sleep -- he needed it as he don't get enough sleep because he was studying and working part-time jobs at the same time.

"Alright, 50 seconds. I'll be back." Riece responded charitably cutting down his pleaded time limit. However, not a ten second had passed, she forcefully kicked his brother out of bed causing a loud thud sound when Riggs well-build physiqued crash on the laminated floor.