"Say, Private Clark, how about we settle this using our guns, eh? *hic*" Riggs who's faced was beet red as he challenged the flushed and slightly sober Rex.

"Make sure you reload." Accepting the challenged, the whole pub cheered with drinks on their hand and all the attention was focused on the two gentlemen perching across each other with a small wooden table between them at the center of the small pub.

"Place your bets! HAHA!"

"Go kid. We lay our faith in you." One of the men massaged Riggs shoulder as if they were going in a big fight. On the other side, other men cheered Rex and boost his ego to defeat his opponent.

"Don't be intimidated, pretty boy. He might look tough but he's a softie!" Laughters came after when one of Rex supporters spouted his insults towards Riggs which caused no impact on the said man.

"Softie?! Ha! Show them who's softie, macho man! Teach this pretty lad a lesson!"