Afraid of Pain

"Shall we go and get something to eat?" After Doctor Zhou came out of the ICU, he felt refreshed, and the tiredness from the past few days seemed to have been swept away from his bones. 

As for Ling Ran, he was truly energized and refreshed, since he drank an Energy Serum.

Ling Ran rubbed his stomach and asked, "How about we order delivery from Shao family's restaurant?"

"Let's not. Every time you eat something from Shao family's restaurant, you have the feeling that you're preparing to work." Doctor Zhou shook his head and said, "Let's make some porridge, let Lu Wenbin cook pork trotters, add some ribs, slice up some pork shank and braised pork, add a bit of pork tongue and some vegetables or something, and it should be quite delicious."

Ling Ran agreed. He took out his phone and asked, "Would you like plain porridge or some other kind of porridge?"