
Unless you were a regular, farm stays in Tiger Leaping Gorge were allocated on a first come first serve basis. The drivers responsible for ferrying tourists to the farm stays would queue up in the parking lot with their battery-powered carts to wait for tourists. The tourists would then be brought to whichever farm stay was available.

Even though the farm stay Doctor Zhou and Ling Ran were brought to was pretty big, it did not have a view of the mountain stream.

There was a tree right in the middle of the courtyard with four automatic mahjong machines around it. Behind the tree, there were lounges where tourists could have their meals and play mahjong.

"We want a lounge with a mahjong machine inside." Doctor Zhou seemed like he was very used to such a setting. He then ran his hand along the edges of the mahjong table, picked a seat where the Fengshui was good, sat down, and ran a mahjong simulation in his head.