Fragrance Yard

"Doctor Zhao, eating, drinking or going to the toilet are considered tertiary when we're at the mahjong table. They take away from our quality game time." Ling Ran repeated what Doctor Zhou had said previously in a serious manner. 

Since this was a rule that everyone had agreed upon, that meant that it had to be enforced and maintained seriously. 

Zhao Leyi stuttered and fell silent. So, he quietly sat back down against his seat and played mahjong unhappily. He would occasionally look around to see if there was any fool who could replace him… 

While waiting, Zhao Leyi's money started to trickle away. However, when he thought about the fact that the money he spent was the secret stash that he had — with much difficulty — procured in order to buy his wife a handbag, he started to be greatly distressed.