Little Dark Room

"Associate Chief Physician Deng, what can I do for you?" The senior nurse of the special care unit stood up. As someone who had been a full-time circulating nurse and who gained the achievement of scolding at least one hundred doctors, when she faced doctors below the rank of a chief physician, she could do so boldly. 

Associate Chief Physician Deng was a little diffident. After he looked at the neatly bandaged gauze, he found that there was no exudation and no oozing of blood. He raised his eyebrows and said, "I want to examine the patient's recovery…"

"The patient just finished his surgery. You may come again after the person changes his dressing." The senior nurse stood up. She was generally polite, but her gaze was quite fierce, just like how she looked at the junior doctors when she noticed their hair slipped out of their surgical caps.