Overcome With Worry

"Old Cai, don't head to Huang Village just yet." Associate Chief Physician Deng successfully found Cai Qiong in the cafeteria.

Cai Qiong's mouth was full of chewed rice and vegetables. He muttered, "You aren't even allowing me to go to Huang Village? Send me to exile, then. Forget about it, island vacations are in trend nowadays. I reckon that you guys aren't prepared to be so merciful toward me…"

"No one's sending you to exile. Can you please talk like a proper human being?" Associate Chief Physician Deng's tone became slightly sterner.

"It's just exile. Since you guys are capable of doing it, why aren't you owning up to it?" Cai Qiong felt that morality wise, he had already obtained the upper hand in the conversation. Hence, he raised his voice and said, "I have already gone to Huang Village. Why would I be afraid of anything? But I am curious about whether there's any place that's worse than Huang Village… hahaha…"