Chapter 1215 bird watching

In the operating theater.

Heads were moving around, shoulder-to-shoulder, white clothes fluttering in the wind, and hands and feet dancing..

Nurse Niu was 40 years old and had seen a lot, but she still scratched her head when she saw the scene in front of her.

When the doctors who came to see the new things were chased away, the nurses who came to see the new things flooded in. When the nurses who came to see the new things were chased away, the advanced doctors who came after hearing the news filled up the operating theater again. When the advanced doctors were chased away.., the head nurse brought the intern nurses to visit and study again..

“There are too many people...”this was the first time nurse Niu felt so powerless after being a circulating nurse for so long.

It would be easier if the people who came to watch the show were all doctors. During most of her career, she had trained the doctors as if they were dogs.