Chapter 1216

“Those who have nothing to do with it, please leave. Those who want to stay will be registered.”The head nurse saw that the circulating nurses could not move them, so she directly released her weapon of mass destruction.

As a result, other than a few young nurses who came out and signed their names with blushing faces, the others were all sent out one after another.

It was not bad to just look at them for free, but registration was still a little troublesome.

Moreover, the head nurse looked like she was about to get angry.

Most of the young nurses had yet to reach the stage where they could hug the head nurse’s arm and act coquettishly. They giggled and laughed as they went out of the door. They discussed the western mirror they just saw and enjoyed a rare day of leisure and happy time.

Zuo Cidian took out his phone at this time and secretly sent a message to the good intern, Qi Zao.