Ruo Qin

1am, Shanghai National Hospital

Wang Yan arrived back at the hospital. He rushed to the operating theatre hoping for Ziwei's update.

"Renxi, how is her condition?" Wang Yan asked worriedly.

"The surgeons are still in process of operating, Sir." Renxi answered.

After 3 hours of waiting, the doctors finally appeared before Wang Yan with her report.


Surgeon: Are you Ms Zhao's family member?

Wang Yan: I'm her boyfriend.

Surgeon: Ms Zhao is lucky to be sent to the hospital in time. Although there was a massive loss of blood but she's out of critical condition. However, Ms Zhao suffered bones fracture in both her knee joints. She may be required to stay in bed for some time.

Wang Yan: Thank you Doctor. I will take note of this. Will she be awake anytime soon?

Surgeon: She will be awake tomorrow as she is still under general anesthesia now. She will be transferred to the private hospital as requested.


It's almost 3am, While Ziwei is being transported to another Hospital which Wang Yan requested, he drove to the Regen Hospital, without even taking a break.

The Regen is a private medical hospital, equipped with world-class facilities, with private suite rooms for all patients. They have the best orthopedics and cardiologists in Shanghai.

He only wanted the best for Ruo Qin's recovery.

"Renxi, you can go back. It's late. It's been a long day. And, there's no need to report to me anymore. I'm no longer the CEO." Wang Yan turned to Renxi before stepping into the ward where Ziwei is.

"Sir..." Renxi felt helpless, unable to do anything for him at this moment.


Wang Yan ordered him, for the last time.

Although Renxi is no longer serving Wang Yan as the CEO of Wang Group, but he will still continue to do so. Wang Yan is the only superior he will acknowledge. It was Wang Yan who gave him a second chance at life. He have already vowed to serve Wang Yan ever since.

Renxi drove back to Royal W Hotel, picked up Wang Yan's belongings and got them delivered to one of Wang Yan's private property, The Aescott, which was solely owned by him.

The Aescott is a 20-level high luxury condo tower, with 80 apartments and a Penthouse attached. Needless to say, Wang Yan will be residing at the penthouse.


7am, The Regen Hospital, Patient's Suite

Wang Yan spent the entire night by Ziwei's bedside, never once left her side.

There was a faint croaking voice from Ziwei. She've came around after a 5 hours surgery. She was still groggy from the anesthesia and could barely open her eyes. She shifted her gaze to see Wang Yan's head resting on the side of the bed, his hands were intertwined with hers.

Ziwei wasn't able to speak at the moment, but her eyes swelled up in tears, trailing down from the corner of her eyes. Slowly, she fell asleep.

Couple hours later, Wang Yan was awakened by the nurse who came to check on Ziwei's vitals. Only seeing her still asleep. He decided to freshen up himself when he realized Renxi haven sent him a bag of new clothes to change into, placed on the sofa.

Renxi is indeed the best assistant he could ever ask for.

After Wang Yan got changed and washed up, he return from the bathroom to see Ziwei is awake!

He rushed to her and grabbed her hands.

"Are you feeling any pain? I'll get the doctor right now." Wang Yan felt like a huge stone was lifted off his chest, as he turned his back about to walk off.

"Yy...Yan.." Ruo Qin's voice was soft, almost inaudible.

Wang Yan halted his foot steps after hearing his name. Yan? She just called him Yan!?

He couldn't believe what he was hearing as he looked at Ziwei. Her eyes reddened with tears as if they could speak to him. He knew what she's trying to say!


For the very first time in 6 years..Wang Yan's voice was breaking up as his lower lips shivers.

"Ruo Qin..?"

She blinked her eyes, slightly nodding her head in response to Wang Yan.

It's really Ruo Qin!

She've finally regained a faint memory of who Wang Yan was.

Although it was small fragments of her memory.

It meant the world to Wang Yan.

Wang Yan smiled as he gently brushed her fringe up, leaving a soft peck on her forehead. Ruo Qin felt a teardrop on her cheeks that....belonged to Wang Yan.

He quickly grabbed medical attention for Ruo Qin. The doctors did a quick examination and her vital signs seems positive.

"It seems Ms Zhao suffered similar impact that triggers her memory function on the right brain cells. However she may still need some time to fully remember her past. As for the bone fractures, Dr Tang will be working physical therapy to speed up recovery. This usually will take about 1-2 months on average." The doctor reported to Wang Yan and left shortly.

"We have scheduled for a MRI scan for Ms Zhao tomorrow morning. Meanwhile she can have ample rest today." The nurse helped to re-dress bandages on her head and left the suite.


Wang Yan approached Ruo Qin and sat by her bed, picked up a glass of water with a straw for her to drink, as he watched her.

Before any anything he could say, Wang Yan couldn't control his emotions anymore in front of her .

His eyes swelled up with tears..

The pain and anguish he've lived with, for the past 6 years.

There was no pain that is greater than this.

He wanted to hug her so bad but he couldn't, afraid that it will hurt her spine and posture.

Wang Yan run his thumb across her cheeks, her eyes...

Finally, slowly placing a kiss on her lips.

A kiss, that they both longed for.

A kiss that reconnects the two lost souls.

Ruo Qin realized Wang Yan's shoulder was trembling. His uncontrolling tears took over, because he knew in front of Ruo Qin, he could be himself without putting up a strong front.

"I'm..sorry..Qin.. I'm sorry i took so find you.." Wang Yan's words were muffled.

Ruo Qin's heart was filled once again.

Suddenly the pain she had suffered from her ex husband's betrayal, from the lost memories, have all disappeared.

There, Wang Yan vowed to give Ruo Qin his world, his everything.