The start of the battle.

The very next day, after Ruo Qin is back to her suite from MRI scan.

As the nurse wheeled her back to her suite,..

"Surprise!" Daniel jumped to celebrate her reunion with Wang Yan.

The guys were all here. Luo wei, Fang Jie, Kris and of course her best friend, Yun'er.

"Ziwei! Do you still remember me? You know who i am right?" Yun'er was anxious and worried that she may have forgotten her.

"Of course Yun'er. how could i forget about you?" Ruo Qin smiled.

"So...are you Ziwei or Ruo Qin now? we're confused" Kris ler asked, unsure of how they should be addressing her.

"Ruo Qin." Wang Yan replied on behalf of her. "She had always been Ruo Qin." Wang Yan continued.

For a moment, Yun'er looked embarrassed.

"So now that its a happy ending, what is going to happen to Wang Group now?" Fang Jie asked from a corner where he was standing.

"What happened to Wang Group?" Ruo Qin asked, unclear of what happened.

"Um..Yan was dismissed from his CEO position." Kris answered but only to get elbowed by Wang Yan.

"What about the penthouse?" Ruo Qin asked, worriedly.

"The last level that belonged to Wang Yan is vacant for now." Luo wei continued.

Of course nobody noticed Luo wei's words, the penthouse is only vacant,

For Now.

"Zi...Ruo Qin don't worry about him, worry about yourself! He's a grown man, he can solve the problems!" Yun'er commented and Wang Yan fully agreed with her.


After everyone have left, Wang Yan was still there to accompany Ruo Qin.

"Is it true? you're no longer the CEO?" Ruo Qin asked, feeling guilty of everything she've caused.

"Are you gonna run away from me because i'm no longer the CEO?" Wang Yan turned the question back.

"No..that's not what i meant.." Ruo Qin sulked.

"Then trust me, there isn't anything for you to worry...I've checked with the doctor, you'll be able to get discharged in 2 weeks time. We have a lot" Wang Yan smirked causing Ruo Qin to chuckle.

" hurts when i laugh." she grimaced a little, still feeling a slight sharp pain.

"Do you need the doctor? i'll get the doctor" Wang Yan panicked!

Ruo Qin gave a warm smile. "No..i'm fine." it looks like Wang Yan is still the same old Wang Yan she knew.


After a few days when Ruo Qin's condition have stabilized, it is time for Wang Yan to get back on the battle ground.

The Wang Group.

It've been exactly a week since the incident and Mei zhen's arrest. There haven't been anyone to be able to replace the CEO position at the Wang Group.

Although Wang Yan does not carry the title of 'CEO' anymore, but he will always have his ways.


Wang Yan: Jie, i need you to send me the stocks report of the Gao Holdings

Fang Jie: i got it. by the way, where is Renxi? i haven't seen him around.

Wang Yan: Well, i'm no longer his boss.

Fang Jie: true that..alright i'll send it to your email in a minute.


Wang Yan spent a couple nights analyzing the Gao Holdings report at the hospital. It wasn't long until Renxi appeared at the hospital.

"Sir..i have some updates of the Gao Holdings." Renxi never stops working, does he?

Wang Yan looked through and found out some of the shareholders are selling their shares ever since Mei zhen's arrest.

"When is the hearing trial for Mei zhen?" Wang Yan asked as he continued to browse.

"It will be early next month. About 2.5 weeks from now." Renxi is back into his assistant mode, ready as ever.

Wang Yan did not refuse his help, afterall Renxi have followed him for 6 years now.

"Are you sure about this?" Wang Yan asked, just 1 question.

"As ever ready, Sir." Renxi nodded with confidence, ready to get back the empire that belonged to Wang Yan.

Ruo Qin could vaguely see both Renxi and Wang Yan working through the night, she felt at ease that someone is helping him..and soon fell asleep after her medication kicks in.


"Yan, i've contacted the lawyers, the prosecutors are confident." Fang Jie called.

"Good. keep me updated of the hearing outcome." Wang Yan disconnected the call.

Wang Yan have sent instructions to Fang Jie.

The moment the trial hearing of Gao Mei zhen is concluded, is the time where Gao Holdings shares will plummet to rock bottom.

Wang Yan have sold his personal properties, except The Aescott, in order to acquire the Gao Holdings. He is going to need an large capital to acquire the shares.

On the day of Gao Mei zhen's court trial hearing, Renxi was present at the court to transmit the latest update to Wang Yan.

"Sir, it's concluded. Gao Mei zhen is found guilty, the media will be releasing statement soon" Renxi spoke through his wireless earbuds.

"Gao Holdings Heiress found Guilty"

"Gao Holdings shares plummet to rock bottom first time in 30 years"

News surfaced across the media shortly after the court hearing is finalized.

The business news were reporting live of the situation happening at Gao Holdings.

It was a complete chaos at the Gao Holdings.

True enough, just as what Wang Yan have predicted, majority of the shareholders loses hope and started selling Gao Holdings shares at incredibly low price.

Fang Jie and Wang Yan have both acquired 45% of Gao Holdings shares in less than 24 hours, making them a step away from taking control of the company.

However..there is a remaining 15% shares is held by Gao Mei zhen, and 40% by her father, Chairman Gao.

Wang Yan decided to visit Gao mei zhen at the women prison.