Locating Ruo Qin

3am, The Aescott

Wang Yan was still wide awake searching for clues of missing Ruo Qin. It was then when his cellphone rang from an unknown number.

Luo wei gave a signal to Wang Yan to prepare as Luo wei work swiftly to hack into the location tracker.


Wang Yan: This is Wang Yan speaking.

Yang De: You must have been expecting my call.

Wang Yan: Where is she?

Yang De: Are you seriously questioning me?

Wang Yan: What do you want? Money?

Yang De: Hahahhah! That's more like it. Well, money is definitely one of it. But i want you to surrender all your stakes at Gao Holdings to me.

Wang Yan: I can do all of it, but i want her safe.

Yang De: Bring the documents, i will send you the address. If you call the police, you'll never see her again. Better don't play tricks with me Wang Yan...i don't know what i will do if i'm provoked...


The call disconnected. Wang Yan felt powerless at a time like this. He couldn't protect his woman when she needs him..

"Gotten anything?" Wang Yan turned to Luo wei who runs the tracker.

"Negative. He's making a call somewhere where it could block signals." Luo wei responded.

Just then, James and Zoey reported back to Wang Yan.

"Sir, we've found the place where he've been watching you and Madam Ruo Qin. A pair of binoculars, a time sheet of her physiotherapy sessions and sim card disposed in the trash" James handed over the sim card to Luo wei.

Luo wei immediately load the sim card and trace for clues.

"Yan...the sim card.." Luo wei pauses as he stared at his screen.

"The recent calls were coming from Gao Jinlan's phone." Luo wei continued.

It's Mei zhen's mother.

"Gao Jinlan and Yang De....James, Zoey, i want you to monitor Gao Jinlan 24/7 and update me her every movements.."

Wang Yan ordered.

"Wei, i want you to locate how many harbors could be in our city vicinity. I've heard the sound of a ship's horn. They're near a ship port." Wang Yan instructed. He've been observing even the sounds during the call earlier.

The number that Wang Yan dialed on his phone..

"Officer Xu Zheng, this is Wang Yan. I apologize for calling you at this hour." Wang Yan have called the officer who arrested Mei Zhen previously.

"Mr Wang, please speak freely." Officer Xu Zheng replied.

"I have a hostage at Yang De's hands. But i want this low profile." Wang Yan spoke as Officer Xu Zheng was listening attentively.

Xu Zheng immediately rolled out his elite team to prepare for the ambush.

Luo wei worked diligently, after matching the time of the ship's horn, there was only 1 ship docking at the same time when Wang Yan heard the horn.

He have narrowed down the location of the harbor.

Wang Yan grabbed his car keys and sped off to meet Officer Xu Zheng.


"Mr Wang, wear this. It's a in-ear bud where we will be communicating verbally. it's hidden in the ear. We have sniper ready once Yang De is in our radar. Also here are a stack of faked documents to lure Yang De out." Officer Xu Zheng is well prepared for the arrest of Yang De.

"Officer Xu Zheng, i have one condition for you and your team." Wang Yan requested.

"One condition?" Xu Zheng was puzzled at a sudden request from Wang Yan.

"Do not fire without my signal." Wang Yan responded with a weird request, but Xu Zheng agreed nonetheless.

For the sake of Ruo Qin, he will do everything even if that includes sacrificing himself.


Cargo Ship Port

Wang Yan arrived at the ship port alone. He spotted the black toyota corolla that followed them previously after visiting Mei zhen.

Wang Yan searches for Ruo Qin among the cargo containers..

When finally

Yang De emerged from the cargo container with Ruo Qin as his hostage, her mouth was sealed with a tape to prevent her from screaming.

Yang De has a gun pointed her at head!

Wang Yan clenched his fists with the documents on his hands.

"Looks like Wang Yan is a man of his words. I want the documents. Toss it over!" Yang De demanded with his gun still pointing at Ruo Qin.

Wang Yan do as told. He tossed the fake documents over but never did he expect...

Gao Jinlan emerged from the cargo container!

She could have tell that the documents are fake!

Gao Jinlan walked forward to pick up the documents and retreated back behind Yang De.

After a few seconds of browsing the documents. Gao Jinlan knew the documents were fake.

Wang Yan immediately sent a hand sign behind his back to warn the police to hold their fire. He didn't want to risk anything when Ruo Qin's still on Yang De's hands.

"WANG YAN HOW DARE YOU TEST MY PATIENCE. THESE ARE FAKE!" Gao Jinlan screamed as she went crazy.

She snatched the handgun from Yang De and..


She shot Wang Yan on his knees!

Blood started trailing down Wang Yan's pants.

Yang De was shocked by Gao Jinlan's action and got caught off guard.

At this moment, Yang De fished out a knife to threaten Ruo Qin but Wang Yan shouted to Ruo Qin,


Ruo Qin freed herself from Yang De's grip and squatted down, just as Wang Yan told her to.

Officer Xu Zheng sent the signal for the sniper who shot long shots from afar, right at Yang De's hands and arms.

Another second shot was targeted at Gao Jinlan's legs. She fell to the ground wailing in pain as she tries to grab the handgun again!

Wang Yan pushed himself forward and hover Ruo Qin with his body from Gao Jinlan.

Officer Xu Zheng took slow approach to ambush them and fired another shot at Gao Jinlan's arms, refraining her from firing another shot at Wang Yan.

Gao Jinlan limbs were all covered with gunshots. Feeling defeated as she couldn't move an inch.

"Gao Jinlan, you are under arrest." Officer Xu Zheng cuffed both her wrist and pinned her down.

"WANG YAN YOU SCUMBAG!!! I WONT LET YOU OFF! YOU SHOULD DIE WITH ME!!!" Gao Jinlan was screaming out her lungs as the police escorted her away from the scene.

Yang De was also arrested at the scene by the police.

Officer Xu Zheng hastily summoned for an ambulance for Wang Yan's bleeding gunshot wound.