Kris Ler Return

While Ruo Qin and Madam Qian have a private moment, Wang Yan knew he had to do something.

"Renxi, i want Ruo Qin's mother to be transferred to Regen Hospital. Arrange a private nurse for her. I want everything concerning her mother to be taken care of."

Wang Yan instructed without a doubt.

"Yan...Madam Ruo Qin's mother?" Wang Ling asked, after the auction ended, all of them went back to the penthouse, unable to digest what just happened.

Ruo Qin found her mother, reunited at a charity event.

"Yes...i've just found out after i noticed Ruo Qin was behaving oddly, and the portrait she painted...looks exactly like Ruo Qin.." Wang Yan explained.

"But...Yan..what if her mother oppose to you and Ruo Qin being together?"

Wang Ling raised her concern.

"Jie, this is not for you to worry..i will convince her mother with my actions."

Wang Yan tapped on his sister's shoulder.

Of course. He is Wang Yan, who will never let anything come in between his relationship with Ruo Qin.


After a tearful reunion, Wang Yan came to meet Madam Qian at the private dining room.


Wang Yan: Madam Qian, i sincerely apologize for meeting you under this situation.

Madam Qian: It is okay...i am thankful that Qin'er have return to my side.

Wang Yan: Madam Qian..if you don't mind, i will have transferred you to another hospital for a better care..

Ruo Qin: Another hospital? Regen?

Wang Yan: Yes..I have checked that they have a few specialist in vascular disease, if Madam Qian is willing, we can get the treatment started right away.

Madam Qian: That....i don't think is necessary..I just want to spend time with my daughter for now..

Ruo Qin: Mother! It's decided, you are going for the treatment! No more delays!

Wang Yan: I will have it arranged soonest. Shall we leave now?

Madam Qian: ...Can i have another day with my daughter before i go to hospital?

Wang Yan: Of course..let me drive you back to Aescott.

Madam Qian: Huh..? Aescott? Where is that?

Ruo Qin: Errr...That is where we live, Mother..

Madam Qian: ....It is ok.. we can go back to my place. i wouldn't want to cause any disturbance to Mr Wang.

Wang Yan: Please don't worry about that Madam Qian, i'll have someone to bring your stuff over.

Madam Qian: ....Thank you..Mr Wang


This time, Wang Yan will be driving himself, as a form of respect for Ruo Qin's mother, while Renxi collect Madam Qian's belongings to Aescott.

Madam Qian was a little hesitant about going over to Aescott, as she wasn't exactly happy that her daughter is cohabitating with a guy that she have not married.

But in order to spend quality time with her daughter, she had no choice but to stay a night at the Aescott.


Royal W Penthouse

*DING* the elevator doors opened.

Kris Ler have arrived back at Shanghai.

"oh my god guys!! I'm back!"

Kris spreaded his hands like a pair of wings. However, Luo wei looked at him as if he's a clown.

"What did i missed when i was away!?" Kris lunged down on the sofa.

"Life is bored without you man. Especially having to deal with Wei's dullness!! And...Fang Jie..he's like in his own world!" Daniel complained the moment Kris returned

"And i have to deal with your nonsensical bullshit."

Luo wei refuted, cold and icy as ever.

"Shall we go have some fun since i'm back?" Kris asked, with everyone present except Wang Yan.

"Sounds good! I've been so bored alone these days!!" Daniel continued.

"Um...Fun? You all don't mean xbox and stuff right? I'm too old for that." Wang Ling asked.

"Not that...they meant the Casino..shall we?" Fang Jie responded to Wang Ling with smirk, as if laughing at her question.

Together, all of them left to the Casino.


Royal W Hotel, Casino

The 4 men entered the Casino, that everyone turned their direction to. It was almost impossible to not recognize the famous top players in Shanghai.

No one have beaten these men to their games, except for 1 person, was Wang Yan's grandfather, their mentor who taught them the games and rules.

Kris, Daniel and Luo wei headed to the VIP area, where only players with a minimum of 100k starting bets are granted access.

As it was Wang Ling's first time at a Casino, who doesn't know how to play any games, she looked intrigued by the various games laid across the Casino.

"First time?"

Fang Jie asked, able to read her easily with her enthusiasm displayed on her face.

"'s embarrassing. I know.."

Wang Ling avoided eye contact with him as she continued to observe the games.

"You'll have the beginners luck today, pick a game you like" Fang Jie smiled and handed her a chip token of 50k as a lucky token.

Wang Ling selected the roulette game as her first.

At the table, everyone was surrounding around the table, placing their bets of their selected numbers. Wang Ling throw her first bet, it was a colour bet (black).

The dealer then hit the first spin of the wheel.



....And STRIKE! The ball lands right onto the black pocket!

Wang Ling's first win! She squealed in delight as if she just won a million dollars.

"Mr Fang Jie, i apologize for interrupting, Mr Senoko from Mitsuya Enterprise would like to greet you at VIP Room 2"

the VIP Casino Manager whispered to Fang Jie, who nodded in response.

"Wang Ling, i'll be back in 15. Have to attend to a guest."

Fang Jie excused himself and left to the VIP area.

"I'll be fine on my own." Wang Ling replied.

While Wang Ling is on her own, she explored by herself at the VIP tables, and found herself at the Blackjack game table, after reading the rules.

The game of blackjack is relatively easy and suitable for beginners.

" look new here young lady.." a middle -aged english man dressed in suit sat across Wang Ling, a man who belittles woman.

Wang Ling was unfazed by his comment and placed her bet with confidence.

"Pffft..are you sure young lady?" the english man scoffed as he lit his cigar on his other hand.

The dealer deal the first card to the english man, it was an Ace of spade, who have a upper hand in game.

the second card to Wang Ling, who got an Ace of heart, a losing hand compared to Spade.

"hahaha, better luck next time young woman." the man was arrogant and ignorant, who probably doesn't know this hotel, this casino is owned by her little brother, Wang Yan.

Wang Ling kept her cool and continued the game.

The dealer then deal the second card which will determine who have a higher chance of winning.

The english man gotten a card, 9 of hearts.

A total of 20 points, which is considered a high chance of winning.

"20 points! hahaha i don't think you can beat me with this."

He revealed his cards immediately and laughed.

As Wang Ling received her second card from the dealer.

It was...King of diamonds!


Wang Ling's cards are a winning hand!

"Better luck next time"

Wang Ling laid her cards open, as she repeated what the man said earlier.

It was a straight self-slap to the man's face!

The observers around the table let out a little laugh at the english man's stupidity.

He was angered and humiliated.


The english man thumped his fist on the table.

He was determined to defeat Wang Ling at all odds!