A brutal game

The englishman raised his voice at Wang Ling.

"Your stakes are too little for me, i'll raise the bet. 300k."

The englishman toss his 300k chips on the table.

Wang Ling remembered she only have 150k chip with her, including her winnings and the 50k chip that Fang Jie gave her.

She froze.

It'll be embarrassing if she rejects the game at a time like this!

"Are you afraid to take the game?" the man laughed.

While people are crowding over the table, Luo wei who noticed from afar that Wang Ling was in a tough situation.

He guessed that she probably don't have any chips to accept the man's challenge, he quickly took out his cellphone and sent her a text.

"Hey young woman, if you're too poor to take the bet, please don't waste my time!"

The englishman slammed.


To Wang Ling: Wang Ling Jie, tell the dealer to use VIP code LWRLW -Luowei


Wang Ling received the text from Luowei, she tried to look around and spotted Luowei at a corner.

He nodded towards her, to assure her.

"I'll use my VIP code." Wang Ling speaks.

A VIP code is to access someone's betting electronic account with money stored, without the need of having any physical chips or tokens.

The dealer pulled out a tablet for her to enter the VIP code that Luo wei sent her.

"Oh..wow, seems like you have an account already. Good, i hate it when my competitor is too weak for me."

the englishman folded his arms and smirked, ready to defeat Wang Ling.

"Raise it to 500k."

A familiar voice travelled among the crowd, as everyone pace out a way for him.

It was, indeed, Fang Jie came.

"No more bets."

The dealer halted others from betting this game, as the game exceeded 500k after Fang Jie placed the bet.

It was a half a million game between the englishman and Wang Ling.

"Mr Fang Jie, how rare to see you here." The englishman laughed casually.

"Mr Dorman, i hope you're enjoying your game." Fang Jie's words carried sacarsm, as he approached Wang Ling and sat besisde her.

"Well, let's start then."

Mr Dorman signaled the dealer to begin.

"Don't worry." Fang Jie whispered.

"I'm not." Wang Ling replied, with a little awkward smile.

But deep down, she was embarrassed she have caused a scene and have Fang Jie to rescue her like this!

And the game begins.

The first card is dealt to the two of them, facing up, revealing the cards.

6 of hearts to Mr Dorman

4 of spades to Wang Ling


"Ha...Mr Fang Jie..seems like this woman brings bad luck to you." Mr Dorman scoffed the moment the cards are displayed, showing that Wang Ling's cards are weaker.

Fang Jie remained silent, this made Wang Ling anxious, her palms are getting a little sweaty.

The dealer then dealt the 2nd card to both players.

Mr Dorman received a Queen of Spades.

(6 points + 10 points = 16 points)

Wang Ling received a 3 spades.

(4 points + 3 points = 7 points)

Wang Ling has the losing hand.

But the game does not ends there.

Wang Ling buy another card from the dealer, as her points weren't enough to beat Mr Dorman's



Mr Fang Jie raised the bet after receiving the 3rd card from the Dealer.

Wang Ling received another 3 of clubs.

(4 points + 3 points + 3 points = 10 points)

Mr Dorman's current hand:

(6 points + 10 points = 16 points)

Wang Ling's hand was still smaller than Mr Dorman, her chances of winning gets slimmer.

"I'll buy another card."

Mr Dorman raised his stakes to 650k.

As Wang Ling now holds 3 cards, Mr Dorman thought her cards could be higher than his current.

He needed to take the risk. Since 16 points might cause him to lose.

Mr Dorman received his 3rd card, 4 of diamonds.

(6 points + 10 points + 4 points = 20 points!)

"Another card."

Fang Jie raised the bet to 700k!

Wang Ling received her 4th card, Queen of Spades

(4 points + 3 points + 3 points + 10 points = 20 points)

Wang Ling and Mr Dorman are tied now!

Just when the dealer was about to reveal both player's cards..


"i'll buy the 5th card. 800k" Fang Jie's words were clear, raised the bet to 800k.

Everyone in the VIP area was shocked at Fang Jie's words.

"Almost a million dollar game!

"He is crazy! He's going to lose!!"

"What the hell?! He is risking for the 1 point?!"

In a normal usual game, only a maximum of 4 cards can be dealt.

If the player buys the fifth card, his total points MUST NOT exceed 21 points, otherwise he'll lose double the bet amount.

Wang Ling's face was full of doubts.


'Is this man out of his mind?! We have 20 points now! There is only a 0.1% chance that we'll get an ace!'

Wang Ling thought to herself, although she hoped that Fang Jie could read her mind.

"Mr Fang Jie, are you sure? Seems like you're risking to lose eh?" Mr Dorman laughed sarcarstically as if he won the game.

"The game's not over yet.." Fang Jie looked at him, smirking at a time like this.

The dealer dealt the 5th card.


"Let me reveal this card."

Fang Jie said softly to Wang Ling.

He offered to reveal the last card, which will determine whose the winner of the game.

The entire VIP area was silent, everyone watching to catch a glimpse of Fang Jie's card.



The card was..





Final score:

Mr Dorman: 20 points

Wang Ling: 21 points

Wang Ling's hand was a charlie 5 cards! which means, the loser have to pay DOUBLE the amount!

That is a whopping 1.6 million dollars!!!

A brutal game.

"That...is IMPOSSIBLE! There is a conspiracy between you and the dealer!!" Mr Dorman shouted.

"Mr Dorman...please mind your words. A conspiracy is a serious matter, if you have any evidence, please issue an official letter from your lawyers to Royal W."

Fang Jie stood up from his seat, unhappy with his accusation.

"ARGHH!! All because of this bitch!!"

Mr Dorman raised his hand, attempting to throw a slap at Wang Ling!


But fortunately was stopped by Fang Jie.

"Mr Dorman..I think you haven't know that this lady, is Ms Wang, heiress of Wang Group. Her family runs this hotel, so i suggest you to keep your hands to yourself, if you do not want to embarrass yourself"

Fang Jie forcefully pushed back Mr Dorman's hands, causing him to fall backwards.

"Security, get him out of here!"

Fang Jie signaled the security to escort him out of the Casino.

Just then..Wang Ling stood forward.

"Security team, make sure Mr Dorman doesn't step foot into Royal W ever again. He's blacklisted."

Wang Ling's stare was ferocious cruel.

The audience and bystanders at the casino erupted with an applause of the winning game.


"They are not called the 5 kings for nothing!"

"Omg that man just got a face-slap at himself!"

"That was smooth man!!"

Everyone was commenting the game, unable to believed the tables was turned from a losing card to a winning hand!

Fang Jie held Wang Ling by her waist and left the Casino together.