Ahh! The Pain!

The Immortal-ish soul which even Novices in Dao of Souls wouldn't even call it a soul finally got some luck and a mortal world appeared in its path. This mortal world was small and had very little Qi which made it one of the worst places to cultivate in this part of the universe.

While the soul was descending towards this specific mortal world, there was a boy named Luke who was lying on a dirt road, semi-conscious while having blood running out from his mouth and nose while being kicked by some teenagers who wore plain robes with some holes in them.

"Let's go, Fred. This trash is almost dead, even if he is the worst trash of the trash, he is still a servant disciple of the Blue Fire Sect." Casper said as he spat on Luke's face.

"Can't even learn Core Mortal Techniques and is thinking about catching up to his sister? Hah, you make your sister lose face with your talent. Just go and disappear in the woods and don't come back."Casper said as he looked directly into Luke's eyes like looking at trash.

Luke wanted to cry but he stopped himself from doing it, he knew he was trash of the trash and couldn't do anything about it. He just couldn't understand the theory behind the techniques and couldn't improve.

When Casper and Fred walked a certain distance, Luke dragged his body to a nearby tree sat under it. He wiped his blood from his mouth and nose and looked up to the sky trying to find any kind of hope.

As he sat under the tree, looking at the sunset and how the stars started filling up the sky, he sighed and thought about what he did in life.

His parents were Outer Disciples of the Blue Fire Sect and died on a mission from the Sect. Luke was 1 year old when it happened and his only blood relative, his sister Anna took care of him. Luke and Anna were not very close but they worked together to survive in the outskirts of the town under control of the Blue Fire Sect.

When a child fills 10, they need to do a mandatory potential test which allows the sect find talented children who can be taken in. Anna and Luke both did the test but the results were shocking for even the testers from the clan.

Anna had a very high talent for cultivation and above average affinity for Fire. The Testers thought that Luke would be the same, but no.

Luke was trash of the trash and couldn't even cultivate to the Mortal Realm and had no affinity for fire whatsoever. Anna was taken in as an Outer Disciple while Luke had to stay in the outskirts of his town surviving with other individuals who had no talent.

Anna came back one day to him, wearing silk robes with a design which said that she was an outer disciple. Everyone in town had to be respectful to her. And when she met Luke, she didn't look at him like a brother but a trash who gave her a bad family reputation. Luke hoped that Anna would help him but she just looked at him and walked away.

Luke had no hope left and just barely survived until he decided to sign up for being a Servant Disciple. Normally, Servant Disciples have to be at least 1st Stage Mortal Realm to become one but because Anna was his Older Sister, The Sect agreed and made him a Servant Disciple. But even then they didn't allow him to live in the clan as he had no cultivation talent or anything. The only thing that benefited him was that the people didn't bully him as much.

While Luke thought about it, he smirked and looked at the sky. What he saw shocked him because he actually saw a black star? Luke thought as he barely stood up and looked directly at it. What he didn't know was that star was flying at an unimaginable speed to mortals and very soon entered the atmosphere and was flying directly into Luke.

Luke started to panic as he saw the star was flying directly into him. He wanted to run away but his body was full of wounds from those bullies and couldn't even walk. He started to crawl but it was too late.

The star hit directly into his forehead and it fell like someone put a steel ingot into his brain.

His head fell heavy and he sat down again while holding his head and having a grimace.

The Immortal Soul was so weak that it almost didn't exist anymore. The Soul's instinct told the soul that it found a host, but when the soul tried to take over Luke, it found out that it was even too weak to replace a Mortal's Soul.

There was not a lot of time, the soul was so weak that it started to dissipate naturally. It had only one choice left and that was to assimilate.

Luke who got a migraine because of the soul entering his body, started to relax as the pain was going away. Luke then thought, probably seeing things and have wounds on my head. Luke laughed as he thought how useless he was and probably needed to go to the Blue Fire Sect's Medicine pavilion to treat his wounds.

Luke started to fell better tried to stand up but that's when the soul started to assimilate into Luke's soul.

Luke was halfway through standing up and that's when he felt the worst pain he has ever felt in his life. The pain started in his head and spread around his body. Luke felt like his body was on fire and couldn't even move from the pain. The pain was so painful that he couldn't even open his eyes.

As Luke wasn't that far from the road, other people heard the screams too. "Is that Luke?" an old man said as he worried for him. "Forget about him, he is probably going crazy." Another old man said as he looked didn't even look at Luke's body. The Old Man sighed and looked at Luke before walking away, little did they know, they walked away from the person who will change the continent.