The New Abilities

The sun rose over the horizon, the peasants grasped their farm tools and started farming, while cultivators started meditating in the sun. The birds were singing and the beasts were awakening from their sleep. The peaceful morning was interrupted by a scream so loud that it could be heard for kilometers.

It was Luke who was screaming like a dying pig before slaughter, he was sweating profusely and was holding his stomach with his hands as he tried to make the pain stop. He just had an hour of sleep in the night, before the pain started again. He didn't feel pain in his body but the pain concentrated in his belly where his Dantian should be.

All humans were born without a Dantian, they had to make it with the help of the Qi they have gathered.

The first Stage, The Mortal Realm has 12 stages and focused on preparing the body for the accumulation of Qi. With every stage, a meridian was opened which gave the host better control of their strength and body.

Which meridian opens first is random for every person but the meridian which opens in 12th Stage is always the meridian in your hearth which strengthens your inner body and lays the foundation for the dantian which is located in your belly.

The next stage is the Pre Realm is where you form your Dantian. It has 3 stages, where the 1st Stage makes the outer walls of the Dantian.

2nd Stage where inner parts of the Dantian are formed and the Dantian starts functioning as an organ which gives the cultivator more strength and gives small improvements to the soul which in return makes it easier for them to comprehend techniques and laws.

3rd Stage is where the cultivator connects his Dantian to his meridians and starts to gather Qi by meditating or by a Cultivation Technique.

Of course, Cultivation Techniques are better but they are rare and they exist only in Sects and Clans. While the Rogue Cultivators who are not in any sect, must meditate which is much slower but it works.

Luke continued screaming until the afternoon before the scream started to be quieter and quieter.

Luke was still lying under the tree but was finally peacefully sleeping after the hours of torture. The soul has finally become one with Luke.

If you would look closely under a specific tree, you would see an 11-year-old boy in plain robes which looked like they were looked after but still were riddled with holes and mud. Under those robes, there was a boy with black hair who was sleeping under it.

Luke slowly opened his tired blue eyes and saw a beautiful blue sky with no clouds, Luke slowly stood up and looked around as his hair was fluttering in the wind, after the incident, his aura changed which made him look like a Calm Scholar. He slowly walked towards the dirt road as he looked around.

"Hmm, that's weird." Luke murmured as he saw more colours then ever before. Everything felt so vibrant for Luck, he could see the small insects who were on the plants and grass. And could see the details in mountains far away.

"What happened to me," Luke thought as he felt that he was far more sensitive then before, Luke could directly sense the wind, he could see how it flew around him and how it touched his skin and how it dissipated.

Luke walked towards the town where his hut was. It was not inside the town but besides it, just like everyone else who were homeless or criminals. Luke walked through his mud huts entrance and sighed how his wood plates were stolen again. Luke sighed as he said, "I really should install a door".

He could still remember the incident where just after his sister left, 2 criminals barged into his hut and stole everything valuable while holding Luke's mouth so that he wouldn't scream. They even stole the door.

Luke walked back outside to look at the people around him, he could see them in great detail from the children who stole pouches to homeless people who were lying beside the road. Luke sighed as he saw this and understood that only the strong can change your future.

Just as he was about to walk back inside, he saw Fred and Casper walked towards him with large strides. For the first time, he could fell their Cultivation Stages. Fred was 1st Stage Mortal and Casper was 2nd Stage Mortal.

"Hey, Trash, didn't we tell you to leave the town and stop losing face to the Blue Fire Sect?" Casper laughed as he said that. "We were thinking about taking your house, it may be shit but its good for now" Casper laughed again as he looked at Luke because he knew that Luke would say yes.

For the first time, Luke fell angry, even if his Sister didn't necessarily love him, it was still his hut where he spent almost all of his life.

For the first time, he had the courage to say something and that sentence was the start of his Legend.

"Fuck off" Luck shouted at Fred and Casper.

They were shocked, that a trash dared to tell them to fuck off. "Hehehe, looks like you had injuries in your brain after we beat you last time, Fred go take him while I check out our new house" Casper laughed as he started walking towards Luke's hut.

Hehehe, you will be sorry for the words you said" Fred smiled as he smiled at Luke and started walking towards him.