Luke's First Battle!

A crowd was gathering around Luke and Fred, Fred was pretty made mad about how someone like Luke dared to tell him to fuck off. "You little pig, I will beat you until even your beautiful sister will not recognize you." Fred laughed as he started walking towards Luke, with every step, the crowd could see the difference in height between Luke and Fred. Fred was like a giant and Luke was like an ant.

Some people in the crowd started to shake their heads in sorrow, even if Luke was a talentless boy, he was still a good boy who never made any trouble. People would like to help Luke but no one dared to go against Fred and Casper because they were actual cultivators and for the crowd, cultivators were legendary figures.

Luke slowly started to panic as he saw the grim smile on Fred's face, it was full of mockery and thought that he will beat the shit out of Luke.

Fred didn't think that Luck would resist and just did a strong punch towards Luke, what Luke didn't know was that the Immortal Souls Instinct had somewhat been assimilated into the soul of Luke. Which meant that the first thing Luke did when Fred punched out was to dodge under his fist, grab some dirt from the road and throw it right into Fred's eyes.

Fred screamed as he fell down to the ground and tried to remove the dirt. "You little bitch, I will kill you!" Fred shouted as he took on a bull position and charged to Luke, Fred's eyes were red from the dirt and you could see a faint aura of killing intent.

Luke quickly came back to his senses about what he did and concentrated on Fred in front of him who has turned crazy.

Fred has never been humiliated like that before, even worse was that it was Luke who humiliated him, no one will give him respect if they will think of Fred of who didn't even win against a non-cultivator.

Luke had a weird feeling when he threw the dirt, he felt like his body suggested the action to throw dirt. Luke had the same feeling now and he decided to follow it.

Fred was almost within the range to grab Luke and beat the crap out of him. "You trash, I will show you what happens when you mess with me." Just as Fred was about to grab Luke, before Fred could react, Luke sidestepped to the side and showed Fred a smile like he was looking at a retard.

When Fred tried to change directions, he tripped and fell down on the dirt road, even if the crowd didn't want to laugh, they did anyway because Fred was looking literally like an animal, his eyes were red from the dirt and his clothes were ragged and dirty from tripping.

Fred looked around the crowd and how they laughed, which made his face go red and anger shole up inside him. Fred silently stood up and looked directly into Luke's eyes before shouting "LUKEEEEE!" and sprinting towards Luck.

Luke knew he was in deep trouble. He had no cultivation and Fred beat him in almost all categories, Luke looked all around him for something to hang on or a route to escape, there was nothing. Luke sighed and prepared to dodge to the best of his abilities. Until a man appeared in front of Luke and slapped Fred so that he flew right into the crowd. No one wanted to help Fred so the people in the crowd just moved away from him and started looking at the man, wondering who could just slap Fred who flew for dozens of meters and landing in the bushes.

The area Luke and Fred are fighting in are the outskirts of a town called Lun, there are massive forests around Lun as Lun was made for the purpose of wood exports and training with fighting the beasts in the massive forest.

Its the Mayor! Someone shouted from the crowd. The Mayor? Everyone started discussing in the crowd, why did the Mayor come here on us talentless and poor?

"Listen up, peasants." The Mayor shouted. "The Sect Leader is coming to inspect the town in a week and I want to make it perfect." Everyone was shocked, The Sect Master of Blue Fire Sect was in Grey Realm which was above the Pre Realm.

In the Grey Realm, the cultivator has finally condensed his aura and it had the grey colour. Grey Realm had 3 stages. 1st Stage was when the Aura inside the Dantian is gas, 2nd Stage was when it condensed and turned into Liquid and the 3rd stage was when the Aura condensed into a solid form. With every stage, the Qi would be condensed and become purer. While the Mayor was only in Pre Realm 2nd Stage.

Luke breathed out and started walking back to his hut, The Mayor didn't even notice him and disappeared in the air. It still shocked some civilians as it was like magic for them to disappear instantly. Some children even started playing games where they were cultivators and are fighting against demons which were they pets.

Luke walked back to his hut, finding out that Casper has disappeared. "Probably, he noticed The Mayor" Luke murmured as he salvaged anything he can. He found some wooden spoons and a wooden plate which has half-broken. Luke wanted to cry but he had the same weird feeling and calm down in a few seconds. He decided that he needed to work and decided to find a job in the Job Locator for the Servant Disciples in the Blue Fire Sect.