The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind

"Bluemoon Kingdom, it's said that, this kingdom have the moon as its backing." It is very strange statement and How can have a kingdom in Barrenlands have the moon in the sky as its backing. Svaily thought this when he first heard that Bluemoon Kingdom have something to do with the moon. Maybe with this statement they can feel important or is it propaganda of royalty to make population proud with their kingdom? But it also doesn't make any sense. Svaily doesn't know but he can be sure that the inn that he found in Riverbank Town of Bluemoon Kingdom have mantis in it.

He was dead tired and his a*s was hurting like hell after riding horse for hours when they arrived so he didn't really looked for anything else beside a bed to lay on and sleep. He paid for the room and immediately slept. When he first opened his eyes he saw a mantis looking at him with its big eyes, so he screamed, he scream like a girl for to be precise. It was not like a demonic beast in shape of mantis, it was a genuine mantis. Svaily actually have a great phobia for mantis, he doesn't scare of any other insects just he scared of mantis and solely of mantis. For this phobia, he is very thankful to his 5 year old self of previous life to watch the documentary about how female mantis would eat males head first and the rest after that.

Hearing a scream from his young masters room Chaid instantly dashed into the room, by chance squashed the mantis with his foot which was scared of Svailys scream and flying away from him.

"Young Master, what happened?"

"Nothing happened and nothing will be happening. We will directly go to the capital now."

"Now? Young Master you should eat breakfast first in the inn then we'll go."

"No. I'll eat from my spatial ring. We will leave."


At the Gate of Capital there was a long line filled people on foot, caravans which is carrying goods to capital, carriages having inside a few people and of course there is people with their respective mounts. Of course the guard doesn't check all of them, they focused on the ones with suspicious looks and of course the caravans which can have any Berrystone powder which is highly addictive and corrosive to the mind and it's illegal throughout the continent.

After a while Svaily and Chaid rode passed the gate without any mishap and entered the capital. Capital is a big city and very ordinary for Svaily who grew up in Bain City which is one of the best cities of the continent, but for others it's a divine city. While they were riding, they were also searching for the inn to stay but for now they couldn't find any. So Svaily asked around for the best inn to stay and found the inn after fifteen minutes. They gave the horses to the servant to take care of them, proceeded to enter to the inn. When Svaily entered the inn, he saw the first floor for eating and paying. So he went to the reception.

"Can I have two room side by side?"

"Is it VIP or normal room?"

"Is there two VIP room side by side?"

"Yes there is, 2 gold for daily how much you'll stay?"

"I'll pay for a month" saying that Svaily took 63 gold from his spatial ring gave the receptionist. In the continent currency is simple actually 1000 copper coin equal to 1 silver, 1000 silver to 1 gold. Above that there is also Seria coin which equal to 1000 gold, The Seria coins comes from the Seria clan which is a great power, they made their fortune through businesses and they also have power to protect it. They say you can buy anything from them even a place for better reincarnation. All great powers have their specialties Hain Clan which is Sonia's clan is famous for their sword arts. "Formless Sword Art" which is Svaily have trained, is from Hain Clan. As for Bain Clan specialty, well, it's information selling, if you have enough connection you can hire for even espionage, and if you really have enough money, connections and clean background, assassinations. Nearly every city in the continent have a place connected to Bain clan business.

"Young Master is 3 gold a tip?"

"I must counted wrong." Saying that Svaily took extra coins under watchful eyes of receptionist and asked;

"Where is our rooms?"

"On the 3rd floor room number 303 and 304."

Thanking to receptionist Svaily and Chaid gone to their rooms. Svaily knocked the door two times and opened the door and get inside. As soon as Svaily closed the door, he saw a masked person in the room . Knowing what he must do, Svaily took his badge out of his spatial ring which indicates he is from Bain clan, and injected his qi to the badge then badge glowed in white. Seeing this, the masked person nodded and said;

"Welcome to the Capital of Bluemoon Kingdom Young Master. Is there anything I can do for you?"

"If you find any clue on Sword-saint's inheritance just let me know, beside that, Tell me about this kingdom and neighboring kingdoms."

"Understood." saying that the masked person started talk about this Bluemoon Kingdom and neighboring kingdoms. After finished talking all of power balance and levels of powerhouses he just disappeared. As one can say, the masked person one of the spies of Bain clan. Before Svaily got out the Bain City, he already memorized all of places the Bain clan owned and their general passwords. As general passwords, they're not so complicated. When you use any places that Bain clan owns you pay 1/20 more and they'd ask you if you're giving a tip, and you'd take back the extra. After that actually becomes complicated if its for a inn you'll knock two time your door and enter but Bain clan mostly owns inns for their businesses. But these procedures just for the ones from the Bain clan, if you want to buy services you'd just pay more depending the services you want to have.

Having send someone to gather information for the inheritance, Svailys mind can be at ease. Svaily thought while the man gathering information he should see this capital city, maybe he can find something to do. Thinking this he got out of his room and took Chaid with him.