Auction House

Svaily and Chaid left the inn and firstly decided to go market place. Svaily would search treasures with elemental qi properties so he could strengthen the sigils in his dantian. After fifteen minutes of walk, He and Chaid came to market place. While he was strolling around the market, he was also buying everything with any elemental qi in it. While he was doing his shopping spree, he was also listening chats between people. He heard that there'll be auction in 2 hours so he asked around and found that the auction house was very close to the market place. He and Chaid started to walk towards the auction house which was looking like a decent building from the outside and have two white eagle statues on both side of the entrance. When Svaily saw these statues he knew this auction house owned by Seria Clan, a great power and famous for their businesses on the continent. He entered the auction house and he spotted the receptionist after came in front of her.

"I want to rent a VIP booth for a month." Looking the young man before her, receptionist only thought that he was extremely handsome and with his silver hair, he gave a mysterious vibe. But thats not all of it, She also felt that she was in front of a sword which aimed to her and that made her nervous. After gaining her composure, she said;

"Young Master, we have highest to lowest, Sun, Moon and Star grades booths which one you would like rent?"

"Sun grade."

"It'll be 100 gold, Young Master." when receptionist said 100 gold Svaily took 100 gold from his spatial ring gave to her. Seeing that he has spatial ring, receptionists eyes widen with astonishment, but quickly gained her composure and gave the card with a sun drawing to Svaily with a smile.

"Young Master, the auction will start in 30 minutes I'll take you to your booth and you can relax while waiting. "

Nodding to receptionist, Svaily followed her to his booth.

After a little time and everyone took their seats. Curtain of the stage opened and a plump middle aged man showed up with a smile on his face, and started talk;

"Welcome to our auction today, Our Eagle Auction House thanks for your visit, and wishes you a good day, Then I'll start the auction."

"Our first item today a High Mortal grade body tempering cultivation manual which is named [Boulder Body Tempering] the bidding will at start at 10 gold coins."




The body tempering manual was sold 36 gold coins which is pretty decent for its grade. As Svaily knows the grades for cultivation manuals or techniques aligned with the gradings of physiques. And there is a reason for that too, grades of physiques defines ones compatibility with cultivation and ability to guide qi in their body so, if ones physique is a mortal grade, then only with a mortal grade cultivation technique could cultivate easily and without crippling their cultivation. As for Svailys cultivation technique, it's a grade-less cultivation technique. At the start; at the worst [Lightning Dual Cultivation Manual] can only be mortal grade if only have lightning essence and at the best, it can be a Divine grade cultivation technique if have all primary elemental essences. As for other essences such as Yin and Yang, they're too complex for a newbie, at least to combine with the other essences. For Svaily that's not problem because his cultivation technique is upgradeable, at least when he reached Foundation Realm.

As auction continues, all types of items came and sold but there was nothing took interest of Svaily and the last item came to the podium so the auctioneer spoke;

"And ladies and gentlemen, the last item is a yang stone, with starting bid 100 gold."

When Svaily heard that, he thought 'At least I didn't came for nothing, I cannot use it now but I can use after reaching Foundation Realm' and started to bid.


Someone else also bid. "160" Just as Svaily was going to bid again, Someone else faster than him

"200, This prince has interest in this stone and I would like to ask everyone to give me a face."

When this person who is in a Sun booth like Svaily spoke, everyone in the auction house aside from Svaily knew the identity. Joshua Wolf, Crown Prince of Bluemoon Kingdom and a genius who attained 6 grade Body Tempering Realm while he is 22 years old. As Svaily learned from the spy of his family, In the Barrenlands Qi Tempering Realm can be seen as powerhouses and guardians of the kingdoms briefly they can do whatever they want. For Crown Prince to attain such a realm in Barrenlands, it's understandable for him to be seen as a genius. But for Svaily giving to this person a face just for he said so is impossible.


Joshua feeling good when he bid for the yang stone, his cultivation technique requires Yang qi and for that he also has a sexual cultivation technique for strengthen his Yang qi. With this stone he can breakthrough to 7 grade Body Tempering Realm and if were to breakthrough once more he would have the same realm as the king and there would be no obstacle for him to became king. Because he need the yang stone, he used his position and asked for everyone to give him a face. When he heard someone else bid, he was angry and said;

"300, this friend here maybe, you didn't heard what I said?"

"350 just bid why do you have talk too much, if you have more money than me, you'd won"

The Crown Prince became outraged and said

"Good, good, good, This prince hopes you'll not become sorry." and added "400"


As two trying out-bid each other. Everyone in the auction house thought that Svaily is a dead man after angering the Crown Prince. After heated bidding war, Svaily won the yang stone and the auction have ended. Svaily exited from his booth and walked towards the reception to take the yang stone.

He came in front of receptionist and handed over the money for the yang stone. As soon as he turned, he saw that he was surrounded by guards and a blond man looking at him with greedy eyes. As expected, The blond man is the crown prince who want to have the yang stone and came to threaten Svaily to hand over the yang stone to him. He saw that Svaily have used spatial ring and his eyes became green with greed. But he also had to protect his image so he said

"This prince thought how could a nobody could have more money than this prince, then I got the answer, The one who stole this princes spatial ring, if you hand over the ring and the yang stone I'll spare you with one arm cut."

Svaily thought 'This prince have a little brain to came with excuses but he didn't have much to think about the ones would have treasures would also have strength to protect it.' Svaily didn't want to waste his breath, so he only said;

"F*ck off" When Svaily said that guards of the crown prince became outraged and took out weapons, They were ready to attack as soon as order given. Joshua Wolf was fuming he, a royalty and the crown prince to be cursed by someone, he felt that his dignity trampled. He was ready to give order to kill this boy suddenly he heard soft cough and heard a melodious girl voice.

"We cannot allow anyone to kill or hurt someone in our auction house." He turned to look who spoke and saw a girl with a celestial beauty with fiery red hairs. He became dumbstruck, if he were to have this girl, he could sent every women in his harem back to their houses.

Svaily also became dumbstruck, this girl really beautiful which would shame Goddess of Beauty, if there is one. If there isn't, Then Svaily would vote for her to become the one and her temperament which like a aloof goddess descanted to mortal world. Then he saw the emblem on her robe which is an eagle with two spears on background. He figured out that she is from Seria clan.

Joshua Wolf didn't want give any bad impression to this girl so he was about to say that he would wait for Svaily outside. When he heard what Svaily said, almost made him cough blood.

"If Miss Seria wishes so, I'll let it go."