Very Anticlimactic Inheritance Test

Nela and Svaily made their preparations and walked toward the cave which the entrance of the inheritance. They entered the which is looking like a standard cave aside from the door-like drawing, they looked each other and nodded and touched with their hands to the drawing. When they touched it, drawing begun lit up with changing colors and a black vortex stated form in the middle of drawing. Eventually, the black vortex became big as the drawing and stopped growing. Seeing this, Nela and Svaily walked and passed thorough the black vortex. When they passed, the cave became how it was before they came.

Svaily was feeling nauseated after passing the gate and his sight didn't came back after a couple of minutes. After he got over portal sickness, he looked around. He and Nela was standing on gray sand, but not just sands were gray all around even the sky was gray. If someone asked to describe the scenery in one word, Svaily would say 'Desolate'. He looked to Nela and said;

"This is really a depressing place, Are all separated spaces looks like this?"

"No, not all of them. Separated spaces would have some sort of connection with their creators, and it would make them different in nature."

Nodding in understanding Svaily said "Of course a dying mans separated space would look like this."

Nela shook her head and said "It's not about mentality, it's about their qi nature and it seems there is a house up ahead. Maybe we can find the inheritance test there. Let's go." Saying that she started to walk. Svaily hurriedly followed her.

Soon they came before the house. The house is pure white with cracks on the windows and spider webs all around it and have an eerie silence and this really made Svaily tense because he wasn't the biggest fan horror genre. The house was looking like haunted houses which he saw the movies about in his past life.

While Svaily was tensing up, Nelas eyes were shining and she was smiling like a child who found a new toy. Nela from outside can be seen as an aloof beauty, but inside she has an adventurous spirit. As she was thinking what she could discover inside the house, dashed inside saying;

"Let's go in"

When Svaily saw Nela going inside, run after her saying "Wait for me."

When Svaily and Nela got inside, Svaily noticed that the inside of house was polar opposite of its outside. There were no spider webs or broken furnitures, inside of house was clean and new. But it was not the only difference, From outside this house a small house someone could find anywhere but from inside, it has interior of a mansion and have big space in it. Svaily said in marvel;

"it's bigger on the inside." he thought inside 'Was the sword-saint Doctor Who?' Nela was also looking around and said "it's also newer on the inside." and made frown saying "But I don't see anything related to the inheritance." Svaily also looking around and said

"Maybe we should separate and search around for any clue."

"We should do that. Here take this communication talisman, if you find anything tell me with your spiritual sense via the talisman. If I find anything I'll do the same."

Saying that she gave him the talisman and they separated to find any clue. After an hour of searching, Svaily found a library and sent the new of his finding to Nela via the talisman. After 15 minutes Nela came and looked at the library with excitement and said to Svaily;

"I could find his journey books here. I'm sorry but I didn't find anything related to the inheritance test."

"Maybe reading this books is the inheritance test."

Nela looked at Svaily with puzzlement "I never heard any inheritance test would require for its participants to read books."

Svaily shrugged and said "I never participate any inheritance test so I wouldn't know, but it wouldn't hurt to read some."

Svaily and Nela were sitting and reading the books in library for hours and they didn't find any clue or any secrets but they continued to read until they finished the books. Then they heard a mechanical voice

"Conditions have met, the participants will assign with a number and will send to arena."

With this voice a bookshelf opened like a door, Nela and Svaily walked to the bookshelf and got in the arena. The arena was in circular shape and simple. A white light shot from the middle of the arena to their hands, when the lights died out, they leaved a number for Svaily and Nela on their hands. Nelas number is 1 and Svailys is 2.

After this was over the same mechanical voice announced;

"Participant number 1, step forward and accept the challenge."

When she heard her number, Nela walked in the middle of the ring and waited for any change. The ring glowed a little bit and the voice said;

"Age 14, Cultivation Stage; 8th grade Qi Tempering Realm. Sending suitable opponents. Participant can forfeit in ten seconds, if wishes to."

Immediately after the voice Nela said "I forfeit." Svaily looked at Nela surprised. Sensing his look. Nela smiled and said "I just came here for journey books nothing more, now I get what I want, there is no meaning for me to fight."

Understanding Svaily nodded and walked to the middle of the ring. The ring glowed as the same as before and mechanical voice announced;

"Age 10, Cultivation Stage 4th grade Qi Tempering Realm. Sending suitable opponents. Participant can forfeit in ten seconds, if wishes to."

After ten seconds, there was glow in front of him and a creature which looked like werewolf showed up. As Svaily thinking 'Were there werewolves in the continent? I didn't know that.' mechanical voice announced;

"Participant number 2 vs Ancestral Bluemoon Royalty"

With the announcement the werewolf attacked Svaily with its claws, Svaily hurriedly dodged and counter-attacked with his Sword qi. Sword qi separated its head and the werewolf collapsed in pool of its blood. Seeing sword qi Nela was shocked also knowing his age, She thought 'He must be the genius who is born in a million years.' And heard mechanical voices second announcement

"Participant have fulfilled the two conditions for inheritor; Age must be below 15 and possessing sword qi."

"Participant selected as inheritor."

With these announcement, the ring glowed blinding glow and Svaily teleported, while thinking 'Maybe not always hold your ace hidden'