Accepting the Inheritance and Progress

When Svaily could open his eyes again he was in front of a transparent man, Svaily screamed and jumped back taking out his sword. But before he could slash, a pressure made him immobilized, he couldn't even lift his finger. Svaily looked at the ghost scared. The transparent man spoked;

"My inheritor, You shouldn't make sudden movements, I just want to have a talk with you before passing my legacy."

"My inheritor? You're the ghost of Sword-saint! are you going to posses me, please don't, I will grab you a body in a day. There is an arrogant crown prince, I could give his body to you."

Looking at Svaily, Sword-saint sighed and shook his head, "You're mistaken about it, I'm not a ghost. I'm just a conscience without a soul and I'm not going to possess you."

Svaily relived when he heard that, but he also didn't lowered his guard. Seeing this Sword-saint shook his head again and said "I didn't think my inheritor would be coward."

Svaily hurriedly explained "I'm not a coward, Being afraid of scary things is totally natural, it's what makes people survive." Sword-saint said unconvinced "You're a coward"

Svaily sighed and said with an expression look like he was wronged "You can believe whatever you want."

And Sword-saint added "And a lazy" hearing that Svaily looked him with furrowed brows thinking 'He said he want to have talk but all he did, was to insult me.' after a second, Svaily said "Aren't we supposed to have a talk. What do you want to say. I'm all ears."

Hearing this Sword-saint touched his chin and thought a little bit and said "Before we have serious talk I want you to know my story." Saying this Sword-saint started talk about his life.

"You should know that I traveled beyond the ocean. You might think that I was an adventurous person but it's not the truth. I was searching for my home." hearing this Svaily said "Weren't you born in Bluemoon Kingdom?" Hearing this Sword-saint laughed and said;

"Maybe this body but how should say, I am a transmigrator." Svaily shocked when he heard that and without thinking he blurted out with excitement to find a person similar to himself "I reincarnated to here." Hearing this, the turn for the sword-saint to be shocked. Sword-saint laughed and said;

"Maybe it's the fate that you'll be my inheritor. But we might not be from the world. In your world could you travel between planets in your system and did anyone can have A.I. System in their house?"

Svaily said "We had some A.I.'s not that stage yet, but we were getting at that." Sword-saint thought a little bit and drew a map and asked "Is this your world." Svaily looked at the map and shook his head "No, It seems like we're not from the same world."

Sword-saint sighed and said "Anyway, that's not important anymore, I should continue to tell you my story." Saying this he talked about how he transmigrated, he got stronger while accompanied by ladies and killed arrogant young masters. As Svaily listened, he felt like he was reading some generic transmigration web-novel. After an hour or so, Sword-saint finished his story and said;

"I build this cave for my resurrection if I were to attain 4th layer of my secret technique with a new body but, it wasn't fated. I got killed and I could only retain my separated conscience for utmost 3 months more." Saying this Sword-saint sighed once more and looked at Svaily. Svaily thought he was thinking about possessing him said, it made him scared and said hurriedly.

"You should be honest, I really can give you that crown prince and pills to make your body more suitable for cultivation."

"You don't need to be on guard, I'm just a memory fragment with a good support, nothing more. You as my inheritor, should possess my signature techniques. Sorry but I couldn't give you any material thing. In my plans, if I were to attain 4th layer of my secret technique, I would leave here a body and treasures to assure my journey to be safer. Alas, Fate." Said Sword-saint and looked up. After a few seconds he started to talk again.

"In my previous life I was an A.I. Programmer and I tried to do a similar thing with a soul cultivation technique for an auxiliary support system. I succeed it too, I will give you that secret technique but it will be just program, you have feed it with information. I'm not going to explain what it can do to you, you said that your world getting at that stage." Saying that a jade slip floated towards Svaily and he took it to his spatial ring. After that he asked;

"Is it have a name?"

Sword-saint thought a bit and answered "Although it has a name it's too long, I called it 'ASAIST' for Auxiliary Support Artificial Intelligence Secret Technique."

"I'll call it Asaist then" said Svaily while nodding.

"The jade also has my notes and thoughts about A.I, It'll be helpful if you want to develop it furthermore. And for my second gift to you is [Inner-Sword Creation Technique]"

Hearing this Svaily frowned and said "I have no intention to become a blacksmith."

Hearing this Sword-saint explained "It's not a forging technique, not entirely. With this technique you can create your sword inside your dantian and it allows you to absorb special ores to strengthen your sword. But there is a downside your sword can't give birth to a sword spirit but you can take another sword spirit and make it yours. In any case you can't use any spiritual sword for years to come."

Hearing this Svaily nodded. Spiritual swords is too strong for to handle to him at this cultivation level. The second jade floated towards him and he took it too.

"Other than these two I don't have any noteworthy techniques to give you. While I was an alchemist, now I'm nothing more than a memory fragment." said Sword-saint.

"Did you have any unfinished business while you're alive? Or do you want me to do something for you?" Asked Svaily.

"Maybe I had but I don't remember very well. But if you find any clue about my death and how I died." Sword-saint said and thought a while, sighed and continued "Do what you want to do about it."

"If there is anything I can do, I'll do it." promised Svaily and bowed to Sword-saint and asked

"What was your name before you transmigrated?"

Sword-saint looked deeply to Svaily and said "It's not important anymore, I've been in this world for hundreds of years. If that's all you got to ask, I'll send you out, giving you the techniques already take to much energy from separated space, it already started became unstable, it'll soon collapse."

"Thank you Senior for passing your techniques to me, I wish you better fate in your next life. And if you send out the girl that I came with too I'll be glad." said Svaily and bowed to Sword-saint. Sword-saint nodded and waved his hands a little and Svaily disappeared from where he was in a white light.

"Did you get the inheritance?" Asked Nela to Svaily after they got teleported to the cave. But after thinking she asked a secret of cultivator, she apologized.

"No need for an apology, we were in a same team." said Svaily and continued "While there were no material thing, I got two techniques which I think it was worth to travel."

Nela nodded and they came out from the cave to meet their guards.

After meeting their guards, Nela invited Svaily to drink a tea in the best teahouse in the capital. Svaily agreed and they went there together.

Svaily and Nela was alone in the booth drinking tea and chatting which was very enjoyable for Svaily. While their topic came to Sword-saint, Svailys thoughts drifted to Sword-saint. He listened his life story from himself and this made Svaily rethink about life.

'Sword-saint was a powerful cultivator who traveled everywhere in the continent even he passed the ocean and saw islands, he lived hundreds of years. While everyone cultivating for extend their life in seclusion, How many of them is living in a true sense. It's just surviving, it's not living. Maybe I'm still a greenhorn for understand these. But I think I will live carefree and try my best to not regret.'

Seeing Svaily lost in thought with furrowed brows, Nela didn't interrupt him and quietly watched him. When she saw him in first time, she thought he was handsome and had a little mysterious air around him and he gave pressure of a sword. 'Hidden Sword' thought Nela, 'it would be such a matching nickname for him.' Seeing his brows loosened She asked;

"What were you thinking so seriously?"

Svaily sighed and said "Sword-saint was a powerful cultivator, lived for hundreds of years and he died, Maybe there were a lot of cultivators who deemed invincible and lived for thousands of years and died." and looked her eyes and continued "I think, Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. " Hearing this Nela stopped and looked in his eyes and smiled which is like a goddess blessing.

"I liked how you phrased it."

Svaily also smiled and said "I quoted" and continued "I don't know very flowery words phrase it, While we didn't spent much time together, I really like to talk with you." Svaily started curse himself how he became suddenly brave and trying to confess, also nervously fidgeting and became red from embarrassment. Nela, in first she became embarrassed but after seeing his state, she became like a child with a new toy, and decided to tease him a bit;

"And?" asked with a teasing tone.

Svaily heard that and became anxious, he averted his eyes and said "I would like to know you better and talk with you more in future." at end of his sentence his mouth became dry and he sounded shaky. Seeing him being embarrassed, Nela want to pressure him a bit more but door was knocked she thought 'It's unfortunate, I couldn't tease him a little bit more.' While Svaily thought 'Thank you, my savior and lord.'