
Shang Ying took this opportunity to initiate some small talk to hopefully get to know Rui Xing better. What Shang Ying doesn't know is that Rui Xing is an introvert and doesn't like talking to people she isn't close with. "So what are you studying or working as?" Shang Ying asked Rui Xing. "I...I am working as a vet" Rui Xing replied, trying not to stammer. "Oh, you like animals don't you?" "No. I love animals." Rui Xing emphasized the word love. "That's interesting. You're the first person I've met that's a Vet. I'm a doctor at Jing Hospital." Shang Ying said, expecting a reply from Rui Ying. But all Rui Xing did was nod her head in return to his comment.

Shang Ying noticed that she didn't wish to continue talking, and asked for her number as messaging might be an easier way to communicate with her. Rui Xing agreed, typed her number into his phone, waved goodbye and headed the other direction. "Are you leaving now?" Shang Ying asked. "Yeah, probably" Rui Xing replied, expressionless. "Do you want a ride home?" The way he asked was more like a statement than a question. "No it's fine. I don't want to bother you" she replied, declining his offer. "I insist," he told Rui Xing, grabbing her wrist and bringing her to his car.

"Where do you live?" "Regent Star"

Then, it was awkward silence between the two of them. Rui Xing just took out her book, turned on the light at the side of Shang Ying's car, and continued to read. Shang Ying concentrated on driving. He took quick glances at Rui Xing every now and then to see what she's doing. How does Rui Xing and Wen Xi maintain a compatible friendship? I couldn't even get Rui Xing to say anything much. Rui Xing is an introvert, she's so quiet while Wen Xi, on the other hand, is loud and crazy, Shang Ying thought to himself.

"Oh you love reading. I have this book about Policemen discovering who is lying about a suicide. You might like it." Shang Ying commented. "I've read that already. It was a good book!" Rui Xing smiled. Shang Ying nodded, it was progress that he achieved to get Rui Xing to smile. After that, it was back to quietness and silence till they arrived at the destination, which is Rui Xing's home.

Reaching Rui Xing's home, she thanked Shang Ying for the ride, took her bag and left.

It was at the moment when Rui Xing smiled did Shang Ying know he liked her. Her smile was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. All the other girls that chased after Shang Ying were different from Rui Xing. Those girls that chased after him were after his money. His family owns one of the biggest business industries in Singapore. But Shang Ying chose not to work in his family's company and followed his dream - which was to be a doctor.

Shang Ying's parents, however, doesn't approve of his occupation and always persuade him to work at the company. Shang Ying's parents want him to work at the company because Shang Ying is an only child and if he doesn't work there, who would be the boss of their company after Shang Ying's parents retire?

As for Rui Xing, she has an older brother named Rui Ning. Rui Ning is 2 years older than Rui Xing but they still get along quite well. Rui Ning is really protective of Rui Xing because Rui Xing has been a victim of bully before. Xing and Ning's mother owns a milk tea shop while their father often travel overseas for work issues, he works as a movie director. Rui Ning works at the Rui Family Veterinarian with Rui Xing and other hired assistants and professional vets. They started this Veterinarian as Rui Xing wanted to be a vet since young so as to help animals in need. Rui Ning and Rui Xing also live together so one wouldn't have to waste car petrol to go to the Veterinarian.

When Rui Xing walked into her house, she was greeted with Cookie's excited loud barks. After Rui Xing carried Cookie in her arms, Rui Ning asked, "Whose car was that?" "That's Wen Xi's." She lied, not wanting her brother to worry about her. "But Wen Xi doesn't have a car... Now tell me whose car is that?" Rui Ning could tell when Rui Xing was lying. Rui Xing had no choice but to tell him the truth. "It's Shang Ying's car. He's Wen Xi's friend." she hesitated to answer. Rui Ning just nodded his head suspiciously, not saying anything. Rui Xing then carefully and gently brought Cookie down onto the floor. Rui Xing rushed upstairs to her room, with Cookie unintentionally following behind.