Rui Ning’s day with Hana and Cookie

Rui Xing entered the Veterinarian and Lin Mei handed Hana over to her. Hana was excited to see Rui Xing again and started wagging her tail. She took Hana from Lin Mei and brought Hana back into the car with Cookie in her bag. They reached back home in about 10 minutes.

She closed the door shut and let Cookie out of the bag. Hana was put on the floor to look around the unfamiliar environment. Instead of looking around the house, Hana started playing with Cookie. Now, Cookie wouldn't feel bored at home when both the Rui's are at work. The two dogs were comfortable with each other's presence. Rui Xing went upstairs and told AVA [1] about Hana being put up for adoption. AVA agreed to settle the adoption work when a family wished to adopt Hana. Afterwards she started reading a library book she borrowed awhile back. Meanwhile, the duo were playing with the dog toys Rui Xing took from her room.

Two hours passed by fast and Rui Xing only finished 2 books out of the 5 she borrowed. She headed downstairs to see what the dogs were doing. She was amazed to find that they were still playing with one another. Is this why dogs are always hungry? They spend all their energy on playing? Rui Xing went to the kitchen and refilled 2 bowls of water. The minute she placed the bowls onto the floor, the dogs came running towards the water. They must have been thirsty since the water bowls were full before she went upstairs.

Rui Xing took out pasta, carbonara sauce, chicken and cooked for herself and Rui Ning. That will be their dinner for the night. After cooking their meals, she added some brown rice into the rice cooker to be cooked. The rice will be one of the ingredients for the dogs to consume. The 'ding' from cooker alerted Rui Xing that the rice was cooked. She took out the warm rice and added the same amount of rice equally onto Hana's and Cookie's bowl. She added some kibbles and chicken inside their bowls along with the brown rice.

Cookie and Hana were both barking, eager to eat their food. Rui Xing instructed Cookie and Hana to sit down. They waited for her command to eat. "Ok, go." They both walked up to their bowls and ate until there was no more food left. Once they finished eating, Rui Xing went to the sink to wash their bowls and heard the sound of the door opening. That must be Rui Ning. The moment he closed the door, he dropped his bag on the floor and sat at the dining table. "What's for dinner?" Rui Ning asked. "Carbonara!" She exclaimed. "Hurry up! I'm hungry..."

Rui Ning took the plate of carbonara from Rui Xing and started eating without her. He ate the food so fast which was so unlike him. Rui Xing found it weird and asked him, "Did you eat lunch?" "No. I had to carry 3 surgeries in a row." "Oh." "Can I have more?" Rui Ning asked while pointing to his empty plate. "Okay." She said while putting Carbonara on his plate. Then, they ate their Carbonara in silence. Rui Xing washed Rui Ning's plate for him as he was exhausted. He went to bed early that night.

—————The next morning—————

Rui Xing already left for work, leaving Rui Ning to look after Hana and Cookie. Rui Ning usually would watch movies on Netflix or binge watch anime but today, he decided he would spend more time with the dogs. He brought Hana and Cookie out to the dog park to play with other dogs, and Rui Ning could make new friends through his dogs.

He took out Cookie's old leash and the leash that Cookie currently wore. Rui Ning placed the leashes onto their collars and took the spare car out for a drive to the dog park. He parked the car near the dog park and took the dogs out for a walk. He walked towards the dog park holding the leashes of Cookie and Hana. He let them go when they reached the enclosed dog area. The enclosed dog area was for the public to interact with the dogs that come with their owners. The dogs must be supervised by their owners.

Rui Ning kept an eye on his dogs to prevent them from causing trouble. They stayed there for around half an hour before he brought them back home. Unfortunately for him, he didn't make any new friends. But as long as the dogs had fun, he was already satisfied. He spent the rest of his time at home teaching Hana and Cookie new tricks.

When Rui Xing came back from work, she saw the new tricks that Rui Ning taught them. They were fast learners! Rui Xing thought quietly. "They learnt how to jump up and down, lay down and play dead in 1 day?!" Rui Xing said. Rui Ning smiled back at her comment. All of them ate dinner together for the first time. And again, the dogs ate really quickly, making it seem as if they haven't eaten in days.

Before they went to bed, Rui Ning asked Rui Xing an important question. "Are you really going to let Hana be put up for adoption?" "I'm not sure anymore... Seeing Hana and Cookie getting along very well and that I really love Hana too, I don't think I want to put her up for adoption. Yet, I'm unsure if you love Hana. This must be a family decision between the both of us," she replied truthfully. "I do love Hana." His reply was instant. He didn't want Hana to leave their home either. "It's settled. Hana's officially ours!" Rui Xing exclaimed. "Not yet... paperwork remember?" "Oh right..."

[1] Agri-food & Veterinary Authority