Last day at work for the year

It is the last day of work that year for those who work at Rui Family Veterinarian. The animals were brought back home by the people who volunteered to take care of them for the month after their working hours.

That day, a pregnant dog was emitted into the Veterinarian. Rui Ning and Rui Xing led the dog into one of the enclosed rooms. This dog breed is an Australian Shepherd. Rui Xing has not seen one in real life before, that day was the first time. She gave birth to 12 beautiful puppies. It was most probably this dog's first litter.

The owner of this Australian Shepherd told Rui Ning to put the puppies up for adoption as they are unable to look after so many of them.

"The puppies need to stay with it's mother until it is a few months old. They can't be adopted after it's birth. If you don't want the responsibility of taking care of the puppies, you should have sterilized your dog much earlier," Rui Ning strictly replied to the owner.

"Alright then. I'll look for you again after a few month's time..."

"And also this Veterinarian is not a place for dogs to be put up for adoption. If you would like to put the puppies up for adoption, you should go to SPCA."

Can't he just put the puppies up for adoption, is it because he doesn't want the responsibility to do it? Hmpf! What kind of Vet is he?! The owner thought to herself.

"If you don't want a second litter of puppies, then you should have sterilized her soon. But not right now, she is tired now and needs ample rest," he told her.

"Okay," she replied. As she turned around and headed the other direction, she rolled her eyes. She still couldn't take the fact that Rui Ning didn't allow her to put the litter up for adoption here.

Rui Ning came back a few minutes later, explaining to Rui Xing what the owner told him. Rui Xing nodded her head, it wasn't unusual for people put their pets up for adoption. She just doesn't get why though. If they were going to just put the pet up for adoption, why do they want to have a pet in the first place...? Likewise with their pets having a litter, if they don't want the responsibility of a litter, they should have sterilized their pet! Yet, Rui Xing didn't say anything.

A while later, after the pups finished drinking the milk Rui Xing gave them, the owner brought them home. Once they left, Rui Xing went over to the cages to feed the animals there. Rui Ning was to treat another dog that emitted. The Vets and Assistants around were to tend to the other animals that are brought in.

Hours and hours later, the day of work ended. It was time for them to head home. They waved goodbye to each other and went home. Rui Ning drove back home as usual. They reached home in about 10 minutes time as there was not much traffic. Rui Ning fed the dogs and made dinner for the two of them. Rui Xing sat down on the sofa and read the books she borrowed. She finished yet another 2 books. There was 1 more book left to go and the books were due in 2 days time.

"Dinner's ready! Bookworm, stop reading and come eat!"

"Coming!! The food smells good!! What did you make?"

"Lasagna. It's the first time I've made this, I'm not sure if you'll like it."

"I'm sure it's good," she said with a cheerful smile.

She took a bite then said, "YUMMY!!" Then Rui Ning realized something and opened his mouth to say, "Hey! You say everything I cook is good. Are you just saying that to make me feel good about myself or is it truly good?"

"It's truly good!" Rui Ning squinted his eyes and stared at her.

"Enough! Stop looking at me! Just eat the food you made!"

Rui Ning listened to her words and ate the lasagna. The moment he ate, he realized it actually taste good! He secretly took a bite from Rui Xing's bowl when she was in the toilet.

The two took a scroll in the park, Rui Ning holding Hana's leash, Rui Xing holding Cookie's leash. It was a while since they did that. The last time they took a stroll in the park with Cookie was 2-3 months ago. The Ruis talked as they walked like they used to.