The truth unfolds

"Depends," Rui Ning replied as he walked out of Rui Xing's room.

"What do you mean DEPENDS?! Come back here!"

Rui Ning ignored her, walked into his room then walked back out, back into Rui Xing's room.

"Finally, you came back," she said.

"No, I came back to ask if you've fed the dogs yet."

"Yeah I did..."

After hearing her response, Rui Ning walked out of her room and back into his.

Rui Xing received a call from Shang Ying as soon as her brother left her room.

"Shang Ying? What's wrong," Rui Xing asked.

"Hey, Rui Xing. I'm sorry if you were upset with me and or Li Nang earlier on. I apologize on his behalf as well," Shang Ying said genuinely.

"No, no. I wasn't upset with the both of you. I just wanted to have some peace and quiet time so I left first. Both of you must have mistaken. And also, the one that should be apologizing should be me. I'm sorry I lied to the both of you about one part."

"Which part?"

"The part about... about... about me saying I didn't like both of you MORE than friends," she stuttered.

"Do you mean that you do LIKE BOTH OF US MORE THAN FRIENDS?"

"Maybe... I know this sounds really unfair and I'm really really sorry but just give me time. A few weeks? A few months? I don't know, I just need time to think and find out who I truly like," she replied truthfully.

"I'll give you time."

"Thank you, really."


Call ended.

OK so Shang Ying knows the truth, should I tell Li Nang as well? I should right? It's better if he knows the truth too, either ways the truth would be out somehow. She thought to herself.

She switched on her phone again and was reluctant to call Li Nang. Rui Xing, you can do this, just press the number. She dialed his number and he answered.

"Rui Xing, I'm sorry about just now..."

"Li Nang, I'm really sorry for lying to you about one part. You have nothing to be sorry about, I wasn't upset earlier."

"Then why did you leave us behind?"

"I wanted peace and quiet..."

"What is it that you wanted to tell me? About that thing-"

"Yes about that, you know when I said I only liked you and Shang Ying as friends? I don't. I like the both of you more than friends and I feel really bad for lying. And I also feel that it's really unfair to the both of you."

"It's fine, you need time right? I'll give it to you."

"Thank you...for understanding."

Call ended.

I did it, they both know the truth, yet I still feel like a horrible person. People say that if you tell the truth, you'll feel better, but why don't I? I feel worse. But she kept those thoughts and feelings to herself.


"She likes both of us. Great, what can I do to get her to like me?" Shang Ying thought aloud.

There were two voices inside his head, one telling him to be himself, the other telling him to be someone he's not and do silly things to get Rui Xing's heart.

He immediately chose to be himself, if Rui Xing likes him being foolish and doing silly things when he's not actually his real self, then she doesn't like the real Shang Ying. So if he's being his real self, Rui Xing can like him for him.

Suddenly, his mother walked into his room as she overheard what he said. "Son, what do you mean by 'she likes the both of us'? Who is the other person? And do you mean Ning Ning?"

"No! Ning Ning is already married, I told you before. I'm talking about another girl..."

"What another girl? Ning Ning is your bride! You cannot like another girl!" His mother shouted at him.

"But what if Ning Ning is already married and likes another guy? Why can't I like another girl? Mother, you aren't being understanding at all!" He raised his voice.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me! So rude! I don't have such a rude son like you. I don't even know who you are anymore! Look at Shang Shen, your cousin. He is already married! He is going to have a wedding ceremony soon. What about you? You aren't even married and both of you are the same age," his mother compared.

"Stop comparing me to someone I'm not! Shang Shen is Shang Shen and I am who I am. And don't bring Shang Shen into this conversation. He gets to marry who he wishes to marry. What about me? I don't even get a decision! You make all the decisions for me! The only decision I got to make to this day was what job I wanted and you still disapprove of my job. My job helps people in need, those who need medical attention! You chose what CCA I took, you chose which school I went to, you chose what car I could buy. You've been making decisions for me my entire life, why can't I make my own decisions? I'm already 22..."

"Just because you're 22, do you think you are sensible enough so you don't need this mother of yours? What if you make the wrong decision? I just don't want you to go down the same path I did!"

"What path did you go down?" Shang Ying lowered his voice.

"You know, your father now isn't your real father. Your real father was really kind in the past until he found out that he had a child in my stomach. He started hitting me, saying I should abort you, but I didn't wish to abort you. Your father now was our neighbor at that time and he had found out that he abused me when I was pregnant. I just don't want you to marry someone and then end up being in an abusive relationship," she explained.

"Mom, I won't make that same mistake as you. And really though, Ning Ning is married. I can make decisions on my own. But, why didn't you tell me the truth back then?"

"I was embarrassed of my past mistake..... please forgive me, son. If you really do not wish to marry Ning Ning, we'll just call off the wedding. I'm sorry if you felt that I was so unreasonable, making all the decisions for you."

"It's fine, and please call the wedding off. And, who is my real dad?"