Passed away?

J and M wanted to make a run for it but they had no idea that the police would be right outside the door, waiting for them to escape so they could catch them. And unfortunately for them, they were arrested for kidnap. Yi Tian untied the ropes from his mother. Luckily for Yi Tian and Yang Ling, none of them were hurt.

Yang Ling and Yi Tian were asked to drive over to the police station for questioning on what exactly had happened. They agreed to come back to the police station the following day as Yi Tian needed to know that Wen Xi's surgery was a success. He sat down in Wen Xi's car with his mother in the passenger seat and he drove to the hospital. When they arrived, they hastily walked into the hospital towards Rui Xing and Rui Ning.

"Any news?" Yi Tian asked the Ruis.

They both shook their head no.

"The surgery is still ongoing. I hope Wen Xi will be okay... Exactly what happened to Wen Xi? Why does she need a surgery?" Rui Xing questioned Yi Tian.

He sighed before answering, "Its my fault. We were following the van in which my mother was kidnapped in. And one of the bad guys shot Wen Xi in the arm... I drove here immediately after that happened..."


"Did you call her parents?"

"She didn't tell you?" Rui Xing asked slightly surprised.

"Tell me what?" Yi Tian asked confused.

"Her parents passed away a few years ago, a few days after Wen Xi took over the bookshop," Rui Xing explained.


They sat down on the seats near the surgery room as they waited for the doctor to report any news about Wen Xi. That was why Wen Xi said her parents didn't live with her... because they passed away... Yi Tian thought to himself.

An hour later, the doctor finally came out of the surgery room to report about the surgery.

"The surgery went well. We got the bullet out of her arm. Wen Xi is still unconscious as she lost quite a big amount of blood. Give it time and she'll wake up. She just needs rest. It's getting late, you all can come back tomorrow to see her," the doctor informed them.

They nodded their heads and made their way out of hospital. As expected Yi Tian and Rui Xing came back the next day to see Wen Xi. She had awakened by the time they both arrived at the hospital. Rui Xing and Yi Tian walked into the room to see a police questioning Wen Xi on what had happened.

The police finished up the questioning and left the room, giving the three some privacy to chat.

"Are you feeling better? I'm sorry I couldn't protect you."

"I'm feeling better now, just a little headache. No it's fine, it isn't your fault," Wen Xi said to Yi Tian.

"I'll be outside. I'll leave the two of you to talk," Rui Xing told them with a forced smile.

Wen Xi looked at Yi Tian's face. He was thinking about something.

"What is it? You seem like you're thinking about something. Maybe important?"

"Err I think I'll ask you later."

"Ask me what? I've already been questioned by the police. I'm sure I can take a few more questions," Wen Xi spoke.

"Alright then. Why didn't you tell me your parents passed away? I mean, I tell you everything."

"About that... we didn't bring the topic up. And you've already been going through so much, I didn't want you to feel sorry for me or anything. But I'm really sorry I didn't tell you about it and Rui Xing had to tell you. I'm assuming it's Rui Xing because she's the only one I told," Wen Xi explained.

"Oh... next time just tell me."



Both Shang Ying and Li Nang got a call from Rui Xing saying that Wen Xi was in the hospital. They drove over to the hospital immediately after the call. Li Nang and Shang Ying saw each other in the carpark. They rolled their eyes and stood in the lift together in silence. They walked up to Rui Xing, she sat down on one of the seats in front of Wen Xi's room, using her phone. Rui Xing looked up from her phone when she heard a familiar voice call her name. It was Shang Ying.

She got up from her seat, explained to them what had happened to Wen Xi, informing them that she had awakened and that the lovebirds were talking to one another so she didn't wish to be inside. Rui Xing thought that it would be rude to listen to them talk as she definitely wouldn't want others to be eavesdropping on her conversation with her boyfriend, not that she had one... yet. They sat down next to Rui Xing, Li Nang on her left and Shang Ying on her right. Moments after, Yi Tian walked out of the room after giving Wen Xi a kiss goodbye. He had told her that he would come back the next day to visit her.

"Y'all can go in and see her. Sorry I took so long," Yi Tian uttered.

The trio knocked on the door and walked inside the room.

"You're okay right?" Li Nang asked.

"Yes I'm perfectly fine. Good to hear that the police caught the culprits who kidnapped Yang Ling," Wen Xi replied.

They all asked at the same time, "Who is Yang Ling?"

"Oh right. I forgot you all don't know who she is. She is Yi Tian's mother. Yang Ling and Yi Tian came over to stay at my place because their relationship with Yi Tian's dad isn't that great. I don't know if it's my place to say so if you want to know more about why his mother is staying with me, go and ask him."

"I see," Shang Ying said.

"Which arm did they shoot?" Rui Xing continued the conversation.

"They shot my left arm. It's not as strong as the right arm but at least I can still move my left arm. The doctor told me that they will examine the arm later this evening and he'll see when I can be discharged. Hopefully I can go home soon."

"We all pray for your recovery," Li Nang stated.