*1 Hour Later*
Roy was... feeling weird. He had been the cause of a universe wide catastrophe. After everything that happened, he went to the Pint restaurant.
Because of the the "demotion" of the GW (God World) System, a lot of bad things had happened. Fortunately Roy didn't experience that much of a change.
The first change was... well... a lot of people going insane almost the same moment as the change in how attributes worked. Imagine: You are of a "low" Level, let's say 30. That would make your attributes around 1 Billion. You would be 1 billion times stronger than a normal human, could be that much faster that a normal human (although you still couldn't perceive things at that speed), be 1 billion times sturdier, be 91 times smarter and wiser, you probably even had some hidden attribute increasement. And then, you would suddenly lose basically all of that. You would become 1/3 as smart and wise (which is 30 times better than a normal human), be 30 times stronger than a normal human (which is 0,00000003 times as strong as you would be before), 30 times faster than a normal human (again, 0,00000003 times less than before), etc.
Some people were crazy about their strength. So when their Strength attribute decreased to a mere 31... well, they weren't happy. If you had a high STR attribute, that didn't mean that you had bulging muscles. Rather it meant that your current muscles were that much stronger and more efficient than normal peoples'.
The biggest concern was the decrease in the INT and WIS attributes. It was a decrease to 1/3 of the former attributes, so it was the smallest change. You could think that "it's still acceptable" or "you would get over it". And to a certain degree you were right. But to experts, and any other person who liked being "above others", it was a giant decrease in their strength. Experts that could before concentrate on themselves, their opponents, environment, LP (life points), and energy, and Mana consumption, their friends / allies statuses... would now not only be 1/3 as proficient at these things. They would also somewhat "revert" to how they were before they were experts. For example, if someone was able to concentrate on themselves, their opponent, and on the environment would also experience the loss of the ability to somewhat predict their opponent's next movements, opponent's thinking, and other things that might be going on in the background of the battle. Or at least a major decrease of performance in all of those areas.
The decrease in INT and WIS would feel somewhat like when you had those "dumb" moments. At those moments you could simply not remember something obvious like a word or a phrase, misunderstand something logical (and only later realize that it was obvious), you would have a higher chance to remember something a way that wasn't like it how it happened, and so on. A (somewhat bad) example of something logical that you couldn't figure out was: "What is 2 + 2 / 2". If you see it on paper, it's quite easy to get the right answer. But there are a lot of people, who are good or bad at math, younger or older, that say the answer is "2" if you ask them while you're on an unrelated matter. It was verbal so some people just hear it as it goes "2 + 2" and they get "4", and you say "/ 2" so they think "(2 + 2) / 2" or "4 / 2". For which the answer is "2", but if you say it fast enough for people to understand the question as it was intended (some people even write the equation as "2 + 2 / 2") sometimes they still answer "2". The correct answer is "3", which can seem logical, and almost idiotic, for someone later being told this question, but they should still understand that a lot of people have "that" moment. Granted, this was a special circumstance, because you could just forget that division ("/") goes before addition, but in a battle everything should be considered. Now imagine that you always had "that" moment going on. Not only would you make mistakes that you should at your level, but you would also feel weird and akward.
In battle, it could something like this "I swing my sword at the enemy right now (time: 0 seconds). I'll hit the enemy in time: ~2 seconds, but the enemy used a Bolt Skill at time: 0,5 seconds that has a 1 second casting time (or can also be instantaneous) so it will hit me at time: 1,5 seconds. That is before my sword hits the enemy, so the Bolt could hit me, deal damage, interrupt my swing (if I used a skill, then I could even suffer backlash), interrupt my motion and thought process...". That should go in your head while you were in battle (or spar) subconsciously, but sometimes you would just forget it. And it was that sometimes that was scary. Because no matter if you made the first move, if the enemy finishes their move before you, you could die. Priority takes priority!
There are other examples like someone trying to explain something to you and you don't understand, but this is also a somewhat special circumstance that people should remember.
If before, you were used to battling at STR 1 Billion (LvL 30) you would now have to "remember" or revert back to how you battled at STR 31 (that was LvL 5). That was a gap of 25 LvLs (or 33554432 times)! But you had to remember that the higher LvL you were, the bigger the gap there was from then to now.
The lower Level people who didn't experience "that much" of loss in attributes also started noticing some other change.
That was that now there were something called attribute points, something that Roy noticed as well. He could imagine how they worked. You would get 1 attribute point per level that you could assign to an attribute, like STR, to boost it / gain +1 in that attribute. Couple that with that you get +1 to all attributes per level, and it didn't seem that bad anymore... well, it was still horrible. This only worked to ease the "pain" that lower Leveled people now felt.
But what seemed a little off to Roy was, that he used the Skill - Complete Demotion. He understood that it didn't need to make the GW System a burden, but to add a function... seemed a little off. Granted, it was useful, but he didn't think Zack would be so kind as to just add something like this. And he certainly didn't seem the type to try and ease peoples' pain. Of course, other people couldn't know this, but that's just how it is.
So Roy decided to wait until people calmed down and started researching the attribute points. That was almost guarantied, because of course people would want to know how to get more points. There was a new system, or rather, the way the system worked had changed drastically. People, including Roy, were bound to find other changes to it.
There was the message of new Mana types, but there should be more. Before, "updates" happen around every 15 years. And they were very big updates. You could think of it this way. Before GW, monsters, levels, magic, and other things were seen only in games, some movies, and other entertainment mediums. And in those things, for example video games, there would first be alpha, and beta versions. Later the full game, and then some games would continue having frequent updates. Let's say that GW was a game. You could have minor updates every few months or every year. But if you waited on everything for 15 years, there would be major changes.
Granted, GW wasn't a game, and this was only 5 years after the latest update. But there should still be quite a few changes to how everything worked. If we stick to the example that GW is a video game, then there would be programmers that would update the game. Or at least some advanced AI (artificial intelligence) that was keeping things working. But GW was literally a whole new universe for them. So it had to be made by something like, at least, gods. It was called "God World" after all. So as the name suggests, it probably originated from the world of gods, or was made by gods.
It would just follow logically that gods could make much bigger and better updates than some humans or an AI.
Some other changes people (lower leveled and "purists") noticed, after a day or two, was that literally everything had changed. That included items, equipment, weapons, Mana, monsters, etc.
Everything had a huge decrease in power!
That included the Net AI (the AI that is used to monitor the Net in Roy's home universe)! Before, it was an almost almighty existence among humans. Of course, it didn't do supernatural things, but it was capable of almost everything humans could do, and then some more. It was rumored that the Net AI was a Legendary Technology. That was Tier 8! Some people even said that because the Net AI is so strong, it might be a special Tier 8 Item, because it was it seemed "a little" over-powered. It literally didn't allow any scams, lies, and illegal things to be sold or marketed on the Net. That didn't include the black-market, because it was necessary for organizations to gain information, and other "extraordinary" things. But even then, things like Red Rooms still weren't allowed.
Of course, common folk didn't know if the Net AI was indeed a Legendary Technology, but they liked to believe it was so.
Anyway, the Net AI also had a huge decrease in power. People could suddenly make scams, that the Net AI at least couldn't find and take down in a short time. And sometimes, they stayed on the Net indefinitely (at least it seemed like that).
That meant that huge changes would happen. Scams resurfaced almost the same day as the "update", illegal activities could "easily" be found on the Net, some more skilled people even found parts of a "dark / deep web" being created. Before, the Net didn't have any scams and other things like that, so ordinary people who went on the Net didn't know that scams could be created now. That resulted in a lot of naive people getting scammed, and having their goods stolen.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Purists are people, sometimes part of a religion that came about after GW, that think everyone should be "pure". That includes, but is not limited to, staying at Level 0, Tier 0, all attributes 1, and so on.