Chapter 44 - Expert

 This scene lasted for twenty minutes.

 After seeing the lake return back to normal, Wei Xiao Bei let out a sigh and turned around.

 He did not even understand why he sighed. Was it because the black beetles had disappeared, or was it because of the mystery of Lake Cui?

 On his way back, the closer he got to the street, the more he felt like someone was watching him. However, every time he tried to carefully inspect his surroundings, the feeling vanished.

 Overall, he was very tired and exhausted.

 As soon as he reached his room, he threw himself on the bed. The fatigue that had been suppressed surged all over his body, making him almost immobile and quickly putting him to sleep.

 He did not know when he left The Dust World, and the red-clothed woman on the rooftop gradually disappeared.