The City of Terror

Sci-fi642 Chapters3.3M Views
Author: Daoist Fierce Tiger
Table of Contents

One day, Wei Xiao Bei gets dragged into The Dust World, a post-apocalyptic world ruled by monsters from myths, legends, games, etc. He also gains the power to travel between it and the real world, as well as the power called the 'Status Panel'. With this power, he chooses to strengthen himself to explore the vast mysteries and terror of the other world. What mysteries await him? What is The Dust World?

Author's Synopsis:

What the hell is this? What the hell happened here?

How did my room become so ruined after a single night?

The floor and table were covered in dust, his new poster of Zhang Liang Ying that had just been posted on the wall a few days ago had already become yellow and tattered all over. Even Zhang Liang Ying’s beautiful face became monstrous as if an old devil was looking at him with a terrifying smile.

The walls were covered by a mist of cobwebs and the fruits placed on top of the coffee table were withered and rotted to the point that the mold on them had turned black. The fruits below even seemed to have turned into mush. The aluminium framed window that the landlord had just installed not that long ago was now covered in a layer of white ash and the glass was filled with cracks and covered in dust.

The computer beside his bed was also covered by cobwebs and was accompanied by an empty water glass with a withered worm inside of it.

Dust filled the air making Wei Xiao Bei choke as he tried to breathe.

Everything seemed to be ash gray without any light as if looking at television static.

After just one night, it seemed like everything in the room had aged for centuries or even millennia.

Mother… is this a dream?

This must be a dream!

707 Reviews
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Qidian appropriating chapters from as usual and charging SS for content that has been out for weeks Don't be duped into paying SS for translations that qidian didn't even do themselves

5 years ago

I read the synopsis just now and I thought "🤨Sounds Pretty Good" but then I remembered that I've actually read this novel before and then I dropped it... On two separate occasions. (Around Chapter90) It's quite long winded and repetitive with a bit of a 'slow in the head' MC, though he isn't quite as stupid as some other MC's on this platform. The plot is promising but I don't think it was delivered very well. It's a shame.

5 years ago

Why did anybody ever make this Website Its just so sad to See this page growing and annihilating a free online Reader community at least Give These novels as a whole a price and change your absolutely nonsensical pay per chapter system

5 years ago

I voted for this series hoping to get a horror novel on here... I was incredibly disappointed. That is not what this is. Admittedly, the protagonist only has an IQ of 7/10, which would roughly be an IQ of 70 and which makes him borderline mentally disabled. At least, the author knows the MC is Not Smart. While reading some of the decisions the MC makes, I had to take a moment to stare at my computer screen wondering why he made Choice A compared to a safer, more logical Choice B or why he isn’t aware of another option. The train of logic the MC follows is really… unique. It feels like he’s only making choices for the plot rather than making choices according to his character. This is an excellent series for facepalming, if that's what you're looking for. According to his stats, he has high willpower, which is apparently not enough to refrain from ingesting strange objects, controlling his hunger, sticking to his career path, or attending school. Even though he was in the military, his discipline is shockingly weak. Rather than the stats actually using the mean to be the average, it appears the stats were calculated by averaging the maximum and minimum values rather than the true mean, making them fairly insensible and irrelevant. What is this bizzaro math? The writing is poor with an awkward tempo regardless of action or inaction. If the MC is in a dangerous situation, all it takes is one blink, and Plot has saved him without any drama. The writing is weak and dull, especially for an action series. Even when the protagonist is in the midst of a life-or-death struggle, there is no anticipation for what happens next. Throwing out a bunch of stat panels is how to pull someone into a game, not a novel. There are plenty of web novels which use stat panels well, but this is not one of them. There is adventure. However, there isn’t any horror, suspense, or comedy. Even the adventure itself is unappealing and can't garner my interest as a reader. The MC is a character with low IQ, who is essentially a metaphorical robot controlled and manipulated by the plot. No other characters have any substance at all eleven chapters in. Incredibly dull and not even remotely exciting. Not recommended unless you're looking for a story that can give you plenty of lampooning moments.

5 years ago

https://***.**********.co/The-City-of-Terror/ here 250 chapters in ********** 301 No need to pay here only 115 free chapters //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

5 years ago

~The City of Terror: Guy wakes up with a status screen in a fever dream city where it's kill or be killed by Chinese monsters of lore, becomes OP ~Released 2016 Slow read that is more interesting if you like reading about Resident Evil zombies and Chinese Mythology, otherwise you'll be bored to tears during most chapters.

5 years ago

Disgusting trash............. Don't even try to read it ......... Its totally bad.....especially girls are shown as weak and could be manipulated for sex easily.. if you are a girl get away from this trash

5 years ago

"Everyone should know that Europeans usually had thick pores and rough skin. Some people's pores were so large they could even fit on a match stick. However, this girl was a little different. Were his eyes really black? Could she be a half-breed? " This is written in Chapter 302. Unfortunately, this type of person does not exist. I feel ashamed to have read more than 300 chapters of this garb.age

5 years ago

The mc gets more retarded as the story goes on. Girls are nothing more than helpless creatures that needs to be saved by the mc Intense racism and exaggeration of Chinese superiority. Yeah, that about sums it up.

5 years ago

Can someone rewrite this story without a completely despicable MC? This guy has no redeeming qualities. He considers himself being "Kinder and gentler with a good personality than most" yet sits there and watches people die on multiple occasions and goes "Well, its none of my business." His solution to problems he cannot solve with his high muscle mass is... add more points to muscle mass. He considered adding points to his intelligence stat on a few occasions, but he didn't since "Isn't intelligence only used by police and detectives? What good would that do in the dust world? Endurance, Vitality, Strength, Muscle mass, these are way more useful for surviving in the dust world." Other characters have 0 personality, and the MC is completely unlikable. Reading was a total waste of time, had hoped he'd change by 70+ chapters in, but now it seems he'll remain a muscle head and continue being dumb. So bad.

5 years ago

Its a shame This novel had about 300 chapters on gravity tales and had a farily stable update Now i can almost guarantee that after sometime its going to be abandoned like Commanding Wind and Cloud

5 years ago

Ushjsgsk hsjsjis hahwnir hajsnsj kakak ajsknsh sjshsnsbhnsnsjsms jskwnbznwnnsjsnsmk. SjkaUshjsgsk hsjsjis hahwnir hajsnsj kakak ajsknsh sjshsnsbhnsnsjsms jskwnbznwnnsjsnsmk. SjkaUshjsgsk hsjsjis hahwnir hajsnsj kakak ajsknsh sjshsnsbhnsnsjsms jskwnbznwnnsjsnsmk. SjkaUshjsgsk hsjsjis hahwnir hajsnsj kakak ajsknsh sjshsnsbhnsnsjsms jskwnbznwnnsjsnsmk. Sjka

5 years ago

Don't read this here they make u pay for it.. I dropped this novel cause mc isn't quite smart and while going to the dust world to get stronger every once a week to 1 month ...then he complains he needs to get stronger While going there once a week to 1 month Which is stupid cause he can technically go there every night to get stronger.... I've had enough of this.. Its good but not my type of novel.... If u want a musclebrain for mc then go ahead and read this...

5 years ago

Mc is narssicist stupid or idiot.. Mc is w3ak too. At first chapter author keep boasting mc attributes but in the end it's so crappy attributes. Having a fucking 7 attributes in charm and he looks plain? Seriously? And There's no story progression at all at first it is interesting but it keep repetitive too much .. It's so annoying to read. 😅😅 So 1 star because this makes me annoyed so much

5 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

5 years ago